Environmental Studies: Importance of Environmental Studies

It is important to note that environmental studies are different from environmental sciences. The former is an interdisciplinary field that analyzes and builds knowledge on the current understanding of the environment, natural ecosystems, human societies, and cultures (“Environmental Studies” par. 1). In other words, it is a complex field with a heavy focus on many areas in regard to the environment. For example, it focuses on not only the environment itself but also humans, social dynamics, and cultural elements as well. Thus, it “includes not only the study of physical and biological characters of the environment but also the social and cultural factors and the impact of man on the environment” (Mondal par. 6). It is critical to account for human activities and interactions in order to make practical changes. This pragmatic approach is far more complex and intricate than a purely scientific analysis.

However, environmental studies are “the branch of science concerned with the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the environment and their effect on organisms” (“Environmental Science” par. 1). The given field has more scientific and narrowly focused interests. It can be less practical when it comes to policy-based approaches or measures involving social or cultural considerations. Therefore, “environmental studies take on a broader view, looking at the natural sciences as well as social sciences” (Ford par. 3). The environment is at the core of both fields, but the focus is more analytical and precise with environmental science. The latter makes environmental studies makes it more complex with an interest in history, politics, policies, and law (“Environmental Science vs. Environmental Studies” par. 1). It puts human society in the center of interest alongside the environment.

In conclusion, environmental studies are greatly related to a person’s life. It makes it important to understand the course of action for the planet’s and humanity’s future. The field is necessary to be aware of my impact on the environment by changing what I consume and use.

Works Cited

“Environmental Science vs. Environmental Studies.” PAESTA, 2017, Web.

“Environmental Science.” Dictionary.com, 2022, Web.

“Environmental Studies.” Wesleyan, 2022, Web.

Ford, Lauren. “Environmental Studies vs. Environmental Science.” North Central College, 2021, Web.

Mondal, Puja. “Environmental Studies: Meaning, Objectives, Scope and Importance of Environmental Studies.” Your Article Library, 2021, Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Environmental Studies: Importance of Environmental Studies." April 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-studies-importance-of-environmental-studies/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Environmental Studies: Importance of Environmental Studies." April 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-studies-importance-of-environmental-studies/.

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