Climate Change and Related Issues in Canada

Global warming has been an internationally recognized problem for approximately two decades now. Being an issue around the world, climate change is regarded as something so distant and abstract that we are never expected to be conscious when its impact finally becomes noticeable. By reviewing and summarizing the assigned reading, the essay argues that modern sources of scientific knowledge about climate change can drastically change people’s attitudes to an eco-friendly lifestyle.

The article being analyzed states that Canada’s government and authorities in other countries need to pay more attention to climate change, the current situation with the problem, and its projected impact on the global scale. Nowadays, the situation has reached the point where different species’ lives are at risk. Global warming is caused by dangerous carbon emissions that are detrimental to the Earth’s climate. The problem’s consequences include the spread of chronic health conditions, such as respiratory disease and obesity. As a result of climate change, sea levels tend to change, and the food that we eat gradually becomes less nutritious.

The source in question identifies the extent to which climate change is affecting Canada’s current situation with natural resources. At the moment, it seems that the country’s government prefers to ignore the fact that this problem damages Canada’s national assets, thus impacting its economic position. With that in mind, actions must be taken to address the actual risks that can become greater every day.

Initially, it was believed that the temperature on the Earth would rise to a degree in the next fifty years. However, as research went on, it was astonishing to finally understand the political aspect of the problem and the fact that climate change was ignored. To continue, it was even more shocking to see that different people have expressed their concerns, but those ideas were never brought to the spotlight. Another thing related to the source that is surprising is that it mentions the consequences of climate change that has happened in the last seven years.

Even being provided with facts and evidence, it is hard to accept that the majority is wrong. When it comes to specific topics, no one likes to be told that he or she is just like other people that are profoundly in error. It was challenging to discover that I used to be a part of the majority that completely misinterpreted the situation with climate change. In particular, for me, it was not very easy to change my thinking and become friendlier to the environment.

One of the things I like most is how the authors demonstrate that the effects of climate change and economic effects are closely interconnected. I have learned that global warming is a huge problem, the effects of which will be evident in the economic life, health, and our everyday experiences. In the beginning, I was upset because I believed that scientific knowledge was settled. My amazement was replaced by astonishment as I began to read myself into the information and learn more about anthropogenic climate change. Due to this new knowledge, I have altered my perspective on the issue. Therefore, at the moment, I am thinking of stopping to drive cars and loving animals more than vehicles.

From this article, I have understood that anger becomes pointless when it comes to problems like racism and corruption, but not climate change. It is widely known that microorganisms could collapse rapidly, and square miles of the Canadian forests are destroyed or burned annually. Pine beetles in British Columbia flourish in warmer conditions, weaken trees, and cause serious health problems, including oxygen deficiency. However, nothing apart from our existence involves greater risks of climate change.

To sum it up, information on climate change and global warming can drastically change a person’s position regarding the issue and even encourage people to challenge their values and priorities. Based on what has been learned, my objective is to offer my study framework to investigate the facts of climate change. If I needed to conduct further research, I would get acquainted with newer scientific publications and updated climate change records.

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