Climate Change and Social Responsibility in the UAE

The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and soil. The level of noise also increases, and it affects lives of human beings and animals. Still, it is critical to mention that not all alterations from which the country suffers are not directly caused by the development. In this framework, climate change is a great problem that attracts the attention of many professionals who work in the related spheres and even businesspeople and politicians.

Masudi (2008) claims that the UAE may soon face a huge problem caused by a massive pollution with carbon dioxide. This greenhouse gas comes from cars mostly. As their amount in the country increases, the risks become more crucial. The gas traps the sun heat and makes the air even warmer. In the UAE, the heat is already a problem, which led to the constant usage of air conditioners and electricity resources. With the increased amount of carbon dioxide, the problem will only worsen. In addition to that, this gas may become dangerous for the health of the population if it reaches certain levels. Professionals underline that initiatives should be implemented to improve the situation.

Climate change and the issues entailed by it have already attracted the attention of many organizations within and outside the UAE. For instance, Aramex is one of the regional organizations that operates on the global market and addresses this problem in the framework of its social responsibility. Even though the company is focused on logistics and transportation solutions, it discusses the environmental leadership. It emphasizes the necessity to measure innovation because new approaches are needed to ensure that the organization does not hurt the climate and environment by its operations. It tracks environmental KPIs and provides related training for the personnel to be aware of all working peculiarities. The company is willing to reduce emissions per shipment as well as fuel consumption and driving time. It is ready to purchase and start using alternative fuel vehicles that do not pollute air so much. In addition to that, Aramex is targeted at recycling and reduction of resources consumption, which will also benefit the environment (Saji, 2014).

Shell Oil Company (2016) is an American organization that has a subsidiary in the UAE. It provides oils and lubricants for vehicles that is why, just like Aramex, it discusses environmental and climate problems in the framework of its social responsibility. The organization constantly monitors greenhouse gas emissions and prepares reports that explain observed changes. It recognizes the role of energy in the well-being of the population and development of the country but underlines the necessity to reduce its usage and make it more efficient in order to cope with the climate change. Shell underlines its decarbonization initiatives as a part of long-term climate goals. The company is willing to find the most effective way to balance environmental pressures with technological developments. It promotes clean and green technology as a significant step towards energy efficiency. Shell also is highly involved in activities maintained to deal with flooding and water shortages.

Thus, it can be seen that climate issue is critical to the UAE problem that is already discussed by numerous professionals and addressed by well-known organizations. Still, it is not yet solved, and the population remains at risk. Thus, this topic is worth discussing.

Social Responsibility

The majority of Arab countries suffer from environmental problems and, unfortunately, the UAE is not an exception. Climate change turned out to be a great obstacle that prevents it from moving forward, ensuring people’s safety (Dima, 2016). Considering the fact that climate issues are often worsened by people’s actions, such as usage of technology or chemicals, the government and various organizations that operate on the UAE territory started to address them. A lot of organizations, including the representatives of the banking and business, realize the importance of interventions targeted at the control of the environmental and climate situation in the country. Thus, they discuss them in the framework of their social responsibility.

The UAE banks carry out voluntary community activities “to mitigate climate change” (Al-Tamimi, 2014, p. 96). For them to be successful, they cooperate with their stakeholders and ensure public policy support. The banks tend to reduce the energy they use while operating or start utilizing renewable energy sources. Some even tend to substitute business meetings that require traveling with video conferences because in this way they do not need to use a car, which pollutes the air with carbon dioxide and makes the influences of global warmth and greenhouse effects more critical. In addition to that, some of them replace car trips with train ones, which serves the same purpose. Moreover, some banks created their own climate change funds and started funding interventions promoted by other organizations. Thus, it cannot be denied that the UAE banks are concerned about the climate issues that are currently faced by the country. Even though not all of them do everything possible to enhance the situation, the tendency of being involved can be observed.

Climate issues are also addressed by the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry (2016). This organization is focused on the business promotion within the country and beyond its borders. It emphasizes that the business should be responsible that is why it is to consider both its impact on the climate and the impact of the climate on its operations. The Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry gathers seminars to discuss strategies for further operations taking into consideration their corporate social responsibility. The representatives of the Dubai Chamber claim that when a business realizes the influence it has on the climate and how it contributes to its change, it can also develop initiatives to cope with the occurred issues and prevent future complications. The government and the private sector can cooperate actively in order to protect the representatives of the general public from the pollution (air, soil) and lack of resources (energy, water). The company actively participates in climate change negotiations, trying to protect its country and population.

Climate and clean energy policy turned out to be addressed by an enormous number of organizations that operate in the UAE, as it is expected to help the country to cope with its greatest problems, including the climate one. In its framework, the country started to use zero carbon power. It funds clean energy initiatives and develops innovative technologies that can reduce gas emissions. In addition to that energy and water efficiency is emphasized. In this way, currently faced by the UAE climate issues are likely to be solved with the course of time due to the corporate social responsibility, which makes operating organizations exercise initiatives aimed at the improvement of the current situation.


Masudi, F. (2008). UAE warning: Climate change effects. Web.

Saji, B. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and sustainability reporting trends in UAE. Web.

Shell Oil Company. (2016). Climate change and energy transitions. Web.

Al-Tamimi,H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility practices of UAE banks. Web.

Dima, J. (2016). Comparative perspectives on global corporate social responsibility. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

The Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry. (2016). Dubai chamber highlights issue of climate change and its impact on UAE business. Web.

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