Nursing Degree Expectations of a Future College Student

Going to college is always a brand new feeling. I believe that receiving a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing is tough, but hard work always pays off. The path to nursing mastery is not and should not be easy. As a person who loves to learn new things and strives to be a professional in the nursing domain, I expect my college experience to be full of interesting disciplines, thought-provoking assignments, and unforgettable events. I need to learn and comprehend the basics of nursing management. This would allow me to realize what it takes to be an inspirational leader and manage staff efficiently (Rigolosi 93).

I would be able to resolve conflicts professionally and find ways to maintain a conflict-free working environment. As a competent nurse, I would also be entitled to providing patients with care of exceptional quality and encourage other nurses to do the same.

I expect my college nursing studies to be involving and offering knowledge that is ultimately advantageous in nursing practice (Harris 120). One of the most important factors for me is a reasonable evaluation of the knowledge that I obtain. I believe that it is essential to motivate students and give them a chance to declare themselves. Proper curriculum development skills are also expected to be obtained throughout the studies. I expect to encounter learning experiences that will have a maximum collective effect and outline proper learning objectives (Keating 101).

Another important component of the multi-layered nursing education is the ability to elaborate policies in compliance with the current state of the institution and its patients. I would like to learn more about policies for the reason that it would allow me to understand the patients’ necessities better and develop the critical thinking skill that is rather necessary for nursing practice (Mason, Leavitt, and Chaffee 5).

I am also really interested in getting more insight into evidence-based practice as I believe that EBP is underrated and should be employed more frequently in nursing practice. It is one of the easiest ways to increase a nurse’s confidence, flexibility, and decision-making skills. I would also learn how to allocate and manage the resources that are available to the organization (Levin and Feldman 27).

It is vital to realize the advantages offered by the evidence-based practice as soon as possible as the healthcare industry currently faces numerous limitations connected to the EBP. I expect my college experience to help me become a proficient specialist in the nursing domain and increase my productivity. I think that getting a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing is good support in career development and will help me become successful in my practice (Katz 60).

There will be numerous challenges on the way to the BSN, but it is important to concentrate on the knowledge that is to be obtained. Diligence and hard work represent a professional nurse. I will commit to being involved in the learning process and attaining novel skills that are necessary to be an expert nurse.

Works Cited

Harris, Chelsia. Created & Called: A Journey to and through Nursing. Green Forest, AZ: New Leaf Publishing Group, 2015. Print.

Katz, Janet. Keys to Nursing Success. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2012. Print.

Keating, Sarah. Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing. New York: Springer, 2014. Print.

Levin, Rona, and Harriet Feldman. Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing. New York: Springer, 2012. Print.

Mason, Diana, Judith Leavitt, and Mary Chaffee. Policy and Politics in Nursing and Healthcare. New York: Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013. Print.

Rigolosi, Elaine La Monica. Management and Leadership in Nursing and Health Care: An Experiential Approach. New York: Springer, 2012. Print.

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