Colorado’s Political Culture and Influence Factors

The political culture that develops in an area or region is influenced by many factors. This is primarily because a given culture depends on society, and it can be defined by various elements, from geography to specific historical events. Therefore, it is helpful to study history and related fields to analyze a region’s politics. This paper aims to explore Colorado’s political culture by examining the influence of the environment and internal events on the development of the community.

Colorado is a rather unique region with many defining characteristics. First, the state’s geography ranges from the high peaks in the west to the arid plains in the east, forming three climatic regions (Dietz). The eastern aridity once led to the historically vital decision to divert water from nearby rivers, which forever changed the occupation of the locals and shaped their worldview. Echoes of this event continue today, as irrigation projects are an essential part of Colorado’s rural life (Dietz). Another significant factor is the cultural mixing most clearly seen in the names in the region. Typical American Frontier names are juxtaposed with French, Spanish, and even Native American words (Dietz). The immediate history, however, shows the predominance of American federal influence in Colorado life. Because the state is easily accessible and centrally located, it became the base for many federal agencies in the war and postwar periods (Dietz). Most were affiliated with various Army institutions, from the Air Force Academy to the U.S. Space Command.

At first glance, this large number of features makes it challenging to analyze the state’s political culture. However, this kind of diversity leads to Colorado being considered a politically fluctuating state (Luning). Because the state is home to a massive variety of people, shaped by different circumstances, the general mood of the community remains neutral. While neighboring regions have favored one particular party, in Colorado, Republicans and Democrats have competed vigorously for the past 50 years, coming to power alternately. This is borne out by various polls and Colorado candidates, among whom there are many from both parties. Thus, unique geography, cultural characteristics, past historical decisions, and a general trend toward neutrality are significant factors influencing state political life.

Works Cited

Dietz, John. “Colorado.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Web.

Luning, Ernest. “Cover Story: 10 Milestones That Shaped Colorado’s Modern Political World.” Colorado Politics, Web.

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