Communication Styles at the Workplace

Today’s communication is often built upon texting due to the high popularity of online contact. The LabSim platform provides advanced opportunities for communication through texting. The first reason this site was chosen is that it allows learning and communicate through video calls. This helps quickly solve the particular problem, which is challenging to discuss through messaging. The second addresses the issue of advanced texting opportunities such as the quick file attachment. Any communication, including texting, functions based on communication principles and styles. In order to create effective communication, the appropriate technique should be implemented. The general efficiency of the work is directly connected with the communication styles which are adopted at the workplace. The researchers in the sphere of communication usually define four primary communicational types: passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive (Haseltine & Massey-Abernathy, 2019). Each of the styles is recommended to use in particular working conditions. The most vital in choosing the communicational approach is estimating the situation and critically finding the most rational path to build efficient interactions related to work issues.

Before choosing the most appropriate communicational style for working conditions, it is necessary to understand which behavior patterns each type defines. Passive communicators often avoid any changes and innovations in the workplace. They seek stability and usually express no emotions regarding work. Aggressive communicators typically try to force their point of view on others. Such style implies to the people a powerful and well-formulated position regarding all issues. Passive-aggressive communicators can be compared with manipulators. Such people usually try to please the interlocutor while simultaneously pursuing their own goals. Assertive communicators are often highly initiative and polite. They strive to estimate each situation critically, finding the compromise for achieving the highest efficiency level.

The last communicational style, assertive, can be considered the most relevant for the working conditions. Such people often bring new ideas to the organizations, ensuring the whole staff’s progressive development. Using aggressive or passive-aggressive styles will inevitably cause misunderstandings because the egocentric approach at work should be avoided, especially in teamwork. The passive communication style is inefficient in the workplace because advanced firms appreciate employees with strong positions who can bring innovations to the organization. Therefore, the assertive type of communication is the most suitable in the workplace.


Haseltine, E., & Massey-Abernathy, A. (2019). Power talk: Communication styles, vocalization rates and dominance. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 48, 107–116. Web.

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