Community Counselling of Bristol County Overview

Community-based service centers are essential organizations that help individuals cope with a large variety of issues. One such entity that operates in Southern Massachusetts is Community Counselling of Bristol County (CCBC). The organization provides numerous services, including adult behavioral health, child & family, acute care, community support, and rehab programs. The current essay thoroughly describes CCBC’s history, mission, goals, and processes, explaining the utmost importance of the organization to the local communities.

CCBC History and Objectives

CCBC has been operating in Bristol County in different forms for longer than fifty years. It started in 1970 as a local initiative of the Community Mental Health Movement to relieve people’s lives and provide care (“Our history,” n.d.). At that time, mental health illnesses were heavily stigmatized, and people did not fully understand the significance of treatment. CCBC was born out of this necessity to help residents of Seekonk and Taunton cope with psychological problems. The organization’s vision statement is, “Provide behavioral healthcare solutions to improve lives and strengthen our community” (“About,” n.d., para. 5). It aligns with CCBC’s mission and objectives that focus specifically on community efforts to make the lives of people in Bristol County more manageable and less stressful. At present, the organization has two centers in Taunton and one clinic in Attleboro to meet the needs of the clients.

CCBC Services

CCBC’s most notable strength is its large variety of services ranging from mental health counseling to emergency care. The first program concerns adult behavioral health, which has been the central focus of CCBC during its 53-year-old history. The organization provides counseling and care for the elderly and adults with mental health problems, substance abuse addictions, and diagnosed HIV (“Services overview,” n.d.). There are currently 2,891 clients in the adult behavioral health program that focuses on mental health illnesses (“Services overview,” n.d.). CCBC’s personnel consists of more than four hundred competent professionals, including nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, and psychologists. Moreover, the organization collaborates with the Taunton Community Crisis Intervention Team (CCIT) to ensure the maximum quality of services and fast response.

Consequently, the organization provides services to more than 9,000 people in four other programs. Acute care focuses on day treatment, emergency psychiatry, and partial hospitalization with 2,556 current clients (“Services overview,” n.d.). It is a critical program that focuses on people with the most severe degree of psychological problems, immediate stress, and life-threatening conditions. The third area – child & family services – is a more recent program. It focuses on children up to nineteen years old and provides individual and group treatment to mitigate family problems and cognitive development issues (“Child and family,” n.d.). Currently, it is the most popular program, with 3,077 clients (“Services overview,” n.d.). Community support is the last major area that focuses on mental health disorders through collaboration with partners and providing care specifically to community members that need it the most. Lastly, CCBC provides rehabilitation and recovery services for people with severe and life-threatening substance addictions.


CCBC is one of the central community-based organizations in Bristol County that helps people cope with their problems through a large variety of services. The organization primarily focuses on mental health issues among children, adults, and the elderly, but it also provides emergency care and treatment for people with severe addictions. CCBC collaborates with multiple local partners to ensure that every person in need can access the programs. Ultimately, community-based resources are critical in improving the quality of life among residents, and CCBC is an excellent example of such an organization.


About. (n.d.). CCBC. Web.

Child and family. (n.d.). CCBC. Web.

Our history. (n.d.). CCBC. Web.

Services overview. (n.d.). CCBC. Web.

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