Community Healthcare Agency at Fairfax

The healthcare institution that was chosen for the present research is Fairfax Pediatric Associates. It is necessary to monitor children’s health conditions, especially during the first year of their lives, since their body systems are developing and regular visits to pediatricians help see the development. Reliable pediatric clinics that have a solid reputation are important for society, as they encourage parents to pay more attention to their children’s health and prevent or cure diseases. Fairfax Pediatric Associates consists of several medical institutions that provide children and adolescents of Fairfax with a wide range of high-quality healthcare services (FPA, n.d.). Fairfax Pediatric Associates was established in 1964 and has served families for almost sixty years, treating and curing children of North Virginia. The main mission of the community is to keep children healthy and their parents calm.

The target population of the agency is infants, children, and adolescents of North Virginia, as well as their parents and women who are only expecting their babies. Fairfax Pediatric Associates has a wide range of services that are available for Fairfax citizens. Thus, the healthcare institution offers all kinds of laboratory services, vaccines for children, consultations with experienced pediatricians, and telemedicine visits (FPA, n.d.). Apart from that, pregnant women have an opportunity to schedule a prenatal visit to meet the clinics’ healthcare providers. FPA also offers lactation services for breastfeeding mothers. When speaking about the criteria the clients of the hospital must meet, it is possible to single out the most important one, which is an age lower than eighteen. It is also interesting that Fairfax Pediatric association cares not only about children’s health but about the health of further mothers as well, since not every medical institution is willing to provide services for mothers as well.


Fairfax Pediatric Associates (n.d.). Exceptional care for your child. FPA. Web.

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