Camden Coalition’s Healthcare Community Model: An In-Depth Analysis

Community Case Study

Community case study of Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers allows observing the ways in which the collaboration of members of various organizations helps to deliver patient-centered care and achieve positive outcomes in a variety of health care settings. Moreover, the discussed issue of medical education is connected to the topic of career development for students and professionals that want to be involved in the effective networking and mentoring.

The purpose of this assignment was to evaluate the coalition’s contribution to such social problems as homelessness and lack of faith among people and communities. The assignment implied the analysis of ways in which Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers responds to these social matters. On the whole, the purpose of the assignment was to show nursing practitioners that modern society consists of the many components that are interdependent and that by changing one of them people may achieve positive outcomes in many others.

For the completion of this assignment, it was necessary to study the existing social problems that affect the general situation with health in the country. After the review of the topic-related literature, the strategies and main objectives of Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers were studied. The coalition sees the solution to the problem in the reduction of the number of homeless people, improvement of medical education and training, and the creation of the sense of unity between people by means of common faith.

The case study helps to realize the importance of the comprehensive approach to the problems of health in the community. When many social matters such as homelessness and the lack of faith are handled, people will be able to change the whole situation with public health for the better.

Health Indicators

The assignment was devoted to health indicators and various strategies for their improvement. It shows how to apply organizational and systems leadership concepts in providing nursing care; helps to plan, implement, and evaluate the outcomes of nursing care; stresses the importance of health promotion, prevention, and risk-reduction strategies in delivering population-focused care; and gives the examples how interprofessional communication may prove to be effective in providing patient-centered care.

The purpose of the assignment was to introduce the concept of Leading Health Indicators and show their importance in improving health and wellbeing of the population, reduction of health inequities, and the development of health systems. In addition, the assignment was aimed at the study of various interventions that help to improve leading health indicators in the community and evaluation of possible outcomes that might be expected from these interventions.

For this assignment, the most problematic health indicators were identified: those that are connected to mental health, nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. For their improvement, various measures should be taken. To combat depressive moods in adolescents, teachers and school nurses should plan joint activities that are directed at strengthening and preserving mental health of children and adolescents, and provide timely and qualified psychological and educational assistance. The interventions also should help to improve the nutrition patterns and physical activity of children and adults through education on nutrition and wide distribution of information promoting the active lifestyle and physical activities.

The assignment helps to understand the planning measures that improve leading health indicators and gives examples of possible strategies for the implementation of these measures. Moreover, it evaluates the possible outcomes of the activity that is aimed at the improvement of public health.

The assignment was devoted to the study of possible preventive measures to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers development in bedridden patients. It implied the integration of evidence in planning, implementing, and evaluating outcomes of nursing care; demonstration of the clinical reasoning that reflects ethical and professional nursing values; and examination of ways to deliver nursing care to individuals for achieving positive outcomes in health care settings.

The purpose of the assignment was to introduce students to the definition of pressure ulcers and methods of their prevention. Pressure ulcers are areas of skin of degenerative or necrotizing nature resulting from prolonged compression of the shear or displacement between the human and bed surface. Students were to perform the case study of methods that are applied for the prevention of pressure ulcers in a real hospital setting.

For the completion of the assignment, it was necessary to review the topic-related literature in order to obtain the detailed information on pressure ulcers and existing methods of their prevention as well as modern approaches to the problem and studies that aim to find new ways to fight with pressure ulcers in bedridden patients. After the review of the literature, the study of policies that are implemented in a clinical facility in Miami was performed.

The assignment is important because it introduces the possible methods of pressure ulcers prevention, which occupy the central place in the nursing care of bedridden patients. It was found that the implementation of basic methods such as skin care policies and re-education of medical staff to initiate early intervention are effective and widespread, while new technologies such as various foam, water, gel, air hospital mattresses only start to be recognized by medical society as possible methods of pressure ulcers prevention.

Medical Experiments on Human Subjects and Ethical Principles

The assignment demonstrates clinical reasoning that reflects ethical and professional nursing values. It overviews the historical cases of unethical treatment of patients and medical experimentations and contemplates on the nature of the problem, its causes and methods of prevention.

The purpose of the assignment was to emphasize the idea that any medical experiment should be based on ethical considerations and designed in a way that would not oppress, humiliate, and cause physical harm to the participants. It goes without saying that any medical experiment should be performed only with the consent of its participants. One more objective of the assignment was to show nursing practitioners their responsibility for patients and their obligation to report about the unethical treatment of patients to proper institutions if such circumstances and the situation occur.

The case study involved the review of literature devoted to the unethical medical experimentation on Black Americans in the 19th century. For this purpose, the Belmont Report and the book of William Cohen “Medical Apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present” were analyzed. After the review in which main problems were singled out, it was necessary to give a personal reflection on the problem of unethical treatment of patients on account of ethnic descent, gender, and social status.

The assignment is important for future nursing practitioners because it shows the atrocities and various consequences of the medical experimentation on patients. The students carry out their research during which they learn how to react to the unethical treatment of patients, to whom they should report about it, and what principles determine the ethics of medical and nursing care.

Population of Interest

The assignment incorporates health promotion, prevention, and risk-reduction strategies to provide population-focused care through the examination of Population of Interest systems that are aimed to single out the vulnerable communities or people affected by dangerous diseases and study the factors that may worsen the state of their health.

The purpose of the assignment is to show students how the thorough research of POI helps to eliminate risks of the development of a disease. In this case, patients that are diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) become the example of a target population and a sample for the paper. The PI method involves both the medical staff and patients: the former are bound to obtain necessary skills that will help to manage the AML patients’ needs, the latter will get the patient education and learn more about possible threats, thus developing the habits that will allow avoiding the danger of AML complications.

The strategy for the assignment completion was to choose and identify the group of people that are exposed to the same disease, describe the nature of this disease and factors that cause medical complications, and justify the choice of POI for the research. After that, it was necessary to draw an outline of the plan for POI research. The plan implies that a researcher should follow three steps: (1) contact nurse administrators in the chosen facility in order to gain the necessary data from real medical practice; (2) compare and support the obtained data with results of latest studies that address the problem; (3) communicate with patients in order to ascertain what causes a drop in awareness rates.

The understanding of POI system is important for nursing practice because knowing the needs of the target population helps to establish certain policies and ways of treating them.

Response to Catastrophic Events

The assignment was devoted to the theme of response to catastrophic events. It implied the study of planning, implementing, and evaluating activities of nursing care in cases of emergency and sought to develop risk reduction strategies for cases of natural and manmade catastrophic events.

The purpose of the assignment was to show the possible threats and outcomes of catastrophic events as well as stress the importance of strategies for the preparation to natural and manmade disasters. Future nurse practitioners should know how to define the target population affected by these disasters and which institutions are involved in the system of emergency preparedness.

For the completion of this assignment, it was necessary to classify natural and manmade disasters and outline the main strategies for their prevention. After that, the focus was shifted to the analysis of the existing and applied strategies for catastrophe events preparation in Miami. The assignment also implied the definition of health care specialists role in handling the consequences of catastrophes and enumeration of the health care standards in cases of emergency. Moreover, it was necessary to identify which institutions should take part in the preparation and planning process and perform the risk assessment, as well as evaluate mitigation capabilities of state and healthcare institutions.

The importance of the assignment is explained by the fact that nurse practitioners should know how to provide care services to all types of patients, including those that suffered the natural and manmade disasters. Besides, knowledge of the existing strategies aimed at preparation for catastrophic events may prompt some students to express their ideas and hold their own research of new, low-cost and effective strategies for emergency preparedness.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 22). Camden Coalition’s Healthcare Community Model: An In-Depth Analysis.

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