Comparison of the Books and the Movies

Comparing books to movies might not be easy because both are not entirely but drastically different. There is an opinion that books are much better because they can provide people with a fuller picture of the story. This essay will aim to contrast both ways of representing the story and learn about the pros and cons of each by comparing their features.

To start with the movies, there are several absolute advantages over the books. Firstly, it is possible to experience events in the storyline with the help of a whole volume of visualization and sound effects. In the most dramatic and intense moments in the movie, the viewer can feel it to the limit. At the same time, the reader still gets the description of what is happening in the book, but it feels much more powerful when directly represented on the screen.

In addition, watching the film or the series can provide the viewers with an accurate representation of what the writer aimed to describe in their work. Although some literature creations are not challenging to visualize while reading, some of them can be more complicated, particularly those connected with fantasy, mysticism, and imaginary world and creatures. Also, it is worth mentioning the difference in the time consumption between reading a book and watching a movie. Undoubtedly, it is more practical to get acquainted with the story by watching the screen version. Since the reading can usually take days or even weeks to finish depending on the scale of the story, to save time and enjoy the plot, it is more comfortably done by watching it.

However, books have their unique features that contribute to the preference for reading over watching. Usually, the screen time is very limited, and consequently, the creators cannot represent every aspect of the plot and environment. Books always contain more details and background that ensure a better understanding of the plot and characters’ motives (Books vs. Movies: The Age-Old Debate, 2021). One more helpful attribute of the books is that they can help a person focus their attention and cope with stress. Concentrating on reading improves memory ability, and in moments of anxiety, it calms the nervous system a little bit and properly structures the thoughts.

Another benefit of reading is the enrichment of vocabulary and diversity of speech. However, depending on the book, it might present various phrasal turns and literary tools, which make the way of speaking more diverse and enjoyable. It comes along with stimulating imagination and creativity as well (Icy Tales, 2020). Reading literary descriptions makes the human brain work more intensively and put some effort into relating the words with the picture of what the person is reading (Icy Tales, 2020). Sometimes the reader even has to create in their mind exceptionally new and unfamiliar places or creatures that do not exist in the real world to facilitate the development of creative thinking.

Overall, both books and movies are great ways of storytelling, and they contribute differently to the process to make it enjoyable. The movies are suitable for those who prefer to save time and get acquainted with the story in a quick matter of time. In turn, the books are more detailed and provide the space for fantasy and mind stimulation. Depending on personal preferences, each way of story representation can bring a positive and helpful experience to the audience.


Books vs. Movies: The Age-Old Debate. Indiana University Bloomington. Web.

Goswami, N. (2020). Books Vs. Movies: What Do You Prefer? Icy Tales. Web.

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