The Book and Movie Versions of “The Martian”


The Martian, by Andy Weir, is a science fiction novel adapted into a 2015 film directed by Ridley Scott. It has been adapted into a critically acclaimed movie and has become a worldwide sensation. Both the book and the movie present the story of astronaut Mark Watney, who is stranded on Mars and must use his knowledge and skill to survive on the planet. The book and the movie offer a unique perspective on the human spirit and the power of perseverance. This essay compares and contrasts the book and movie versions of The Martian, looking at their similarities and differences.


The basic plot of both the book and the movie are the same. Astronaut Mark Watney is left stranded on Mars after a storm forces a mission to abort. Watney must use his wits and ingenuity to survive on the hostile planet while NASA works to find a way to get him home. Moreover, the characters in both the book and the movie are similar, with Watney as the protagonist. The other characters in the movie, such as NASA director Teddy Sanders and mission commander Melissa Lewis, are also featured in the book (Chornyi). Both the book and the movie shows how Watney must use his intelligence, wit, and resourcefulness to survive the incredible odds he faces while stranded on the Red Planet.

In both the book and the movie, Watney’s mission to survive on Mars is long and arduous. In the book, Watney can use his engineering and botany skills to craft tools and grow food to survive, as well as scavenge from the remains of the other astronauts. In the movie, Watney can use his skills and the resources available to him to find creative solutions to his problems (Chornyi). Both versions feature an ensemble cast of characters who all play a role in Watney’s rescue. In the book and movie, the audience follows Watney’s story, as well as the efforts of the NASA team on Earth to rescue him.

Both models have a strong scientific foundation, with the book having extensive technical details about Watney’s survival strategies. At the same time, the movie presents a more visual representation of Watney’s ingenuity and problem-solving skills (Cotter). They also emphasize the importance of hope and human connection despite seemingly insurmountable odds. Watney’s attempts to communicate with his fellow astronauts and his loved ones on Earth provide a strong emotional undercurrent to the story and remind him of the power of human connection.

The book and the movie both feature the same tension and suspense as Watney’s fate hangs in the balance. In both forms of media, the environment is depicted as being inhospitable, with a lack of air, water and food, and a hostile environment. This is further emphasized as Watney must find a way to survive in this harsh environment. Moreover, in both types of media, mission control is made up of a diverse group of characters from different countries, with different personalities and skill sets (Cotter). This team works together to help Watney survive and eventually make his way back home. The book’s main plot points are present in the movie, including Watney’s struggles to survive and the eventual rescue mission.


One of the biggest differences between The Martian book and the movie is the amount of detail included. While the movie focuses largely on Watney’s struggle to survive on Mars, the book explores his psychological state and the challenges he faces in his mission. The book includes much more detail about the technology Watney uses to survive and a detailed description of his daily routines and scientific experiments (Chornyi). On the other hand, the movie focuses primarily on the action and suspense of his survival, leaving much of the specific details of his mission to the viewer’s imagination. The movie focuses more on the rescue mission and Watney’s struggles to survive, while the book focuses on the psychological and emotional impact of the situation on Watney and the other characters

The obvious difference between the book and movie adaptation of The Martian by Andy Weir is the medium used to tell the story. The book is a work of written fiction, while the movie is a live-action adaptation of the novel. In the book, the story is told from the point of view of the stranded astronaut, Mark Watney. In contrast, the act is told from the point of view of the entire cast of characters, including Watney, NASA, and the international community in the movie (Cotter). In the book, the international community and the public are aware of Watney’s plight and the events unfolding on Mars. In the movie, the international community is not as involved as in the book, and the public is mostly unaware of Watney’s plight.

Another difference between The Martian book and the movie is how Watney’s story is portrayed. In the book, Watney’s story is much more personal. He frequently muses on his feelings and emotions, and the reader can better understand his mental state (Cotter). In the movie, however, Watney’s story is much more action-oriented. The movie focuses largely on the physical challenges Watney must overcome, leaving his psychological state to the viewer’s interpretation (Chornyi). Additionally, the book’s tone is a more somber tale of Watney’s struggles and the human spirit, while the movie is more light-hearted and humorous. The book is mostly told through Watney’s first-person narrative, while the movie is more cinematic and relies heavily on visual storytelling.

The setting of both the book and the movie is Mars, although the movie is set in a more realistic version of Mars than the book. The movie version of Mars is more desolate and barren than the book, which has a more fantastical interpretation of the planet. The technology used in the book and movie is mostly the same, except for a few minor differences (Chornyi). The movie includes a few extra pieces of technology, such as a robotic arm used by Watney to retrieve items from outside the habitat and a rover used to explore the planet’s surface.

Finally, the endings of The Martian book and the movie differ. In the book, Watney is ultimately rescued by a team of astronauts and returns to Earth. However, in the movie, Watney can return to Earth on his own with the help of a rescue mission sent to Mars (Cotter). This change in the movie’s ending gives Watney a greater sense of accomplishment, as he can save himself rather than be rescued.


The Martian book and movie tell the story of Mark Watney’s struggle to survive on Mars. While both versions have similarities, such as Watney’s resourcefulness and the importance of hope and human connection, they also differ in details, tone, and setting. While the book offers a more detailed and personal exploration of Watney’s experience, the movie provides a more action-oriented and cinematic take on the story. Ultimately, the book and the movie provide a unique and gripping story of the human spirit and the power of perseverance in facing insurmountable odds.

Works Cited

Chornyi, Maksym. “Differences between the ‘Martian’ Book and Movie Analysis.” Black Maxim’s Blog. 2020. Web.

Cotter, Padraig. “The Martian Book vs. Movie Differences.ScreenRant. 2020. Web.

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