Computer Information Systems. Computer Security

Executive summary

This report gives a comprehensive analysis of several issues associated with computer security. The findings of the report reveal several limitations of software licensing as a measure of ensuring computer security. One of the major limitations that the report has focused on relates to the fact that licensing hinders innovation and growth amongst software users. This aspect arises from the fact that the licensees cannot develop software despite identifying possible gaps. The report also shows that teaching computer users about computer ethics can significantly improve computer security. About computer fraud, the report shows that removal of computer security measures can significantly increase the rate of computer fraud. In conclusion, computer security can only be attained by integrating computer security measures and teaching computer ethics to users. In line with the conclusion, several recommendations on how to improve computer security have been outlined.


Information Communication Technology (ICT) has undergone remarkable growth due to an increment in the rate at which firms, within the industry, are investing in research and development. One of the areas of ICT that have undergone tremendous growth relates to software development. Software is considered a unique technology product, which means that it should be protected under the intellectual property right (Classen 2006). A number of protections such as trade secrets, patents, and copyrights can be accorded to software products. The development in ICT with specific reference to the Internet has presented a significant threat to computer security. The rise in the number of threats facing computer networks has made both organizations and individuals concerned about computer security. Implementing effective computer security can keep one’s information safely within the computer network. This report analyzes several issues associated with computer security. Some of these issues relate to an evaluation of whether software licensing is antisocial coupled with whether ethical teaching on computer usage can help in resolving the computer security challenges being experienced in contemporary times. The report also evaluates whether the removal of computer security measures would reduce incidences of computer fraud.


Is software licensing is antisocial?

Computer security entails a wide undertaking that is aimed at protecting one’s computer, viz. its software and hardware devices. One of the ways through which software authors ensure the security of their innovation is by licensing. According to Stim (2012), software licensing is aimed at protecting the innovation of software developers by ensuring that they hold exclusive rights to distribute, copy, display, sell, and seek legal remedies in the event of infringement (Stim 2012). As a result, the license outlines the scope to which the licensee may use the software. The software developer has the right to sue the licensees or seek legal remedies for damages that might arise, in the event that the users go beyond the scope of the license.

However, software licensing can be considered antisocial. This thinking arises from the fact that, certifying limits software usage and development by the user, and at the same time side gives the author exclusive rights. According to Ranjan (2006), software licensing discourages the creation of an environment conducive for a wide range of individuals to contribute towards improvement of the software.

This scenario arises from the fact that the licensees have limited rights with regard to usage of the software. However, if the software licensing does not impose limits on the licensee, it is possible for remarkable improvements to be undertaken on the software. One of the ways through which this may be achieved arises from the fact that, the licensees will be given an opportunity to identify possible gaps that might have been left by the author in its development. Therefore, one can conclude that licensing limits the probability of a given software undergoing continuous development.

The future growth and development of computer technology will be based on the traditional path, which requires sharing of knowledge and information without any form of impediments. Currently, software licensing results in the propagation of an environment of secrecy surrounding previous research results. Significant trends within the software industry can only be fostered if the licensing terms are reviewed. Harison (2008) thinks that, this goal can be achieved if room for further innovation is left to the already improved versions. Removal of limitations that are associated with licensing will stimulate competition amongst software developers and users. Therefore, one can concur with Richard Stallman that, software licensing is antisocial in that, it limits the input of other parties.

Is ethical teaching the solution to computer security problems?

In the 21st century, Information Technology (IT) has become a core component of different economic sectors such as education, industry, commerce, and medicine amongst others (Tiwary 2011). However, the growth in computer threats has led to development of standards that outline whether a certain action is bad or good. These standards are commonly referred to as ethics.

In the field of computing, computer ethics refers to moral guidelines that are incorporated in an effort to ensure effective use of information and computer systems. Computer ethics is composed of several issues and some of these are related to information privacy, information accuracy, unauthorized computer use, IPRs, and codes of conduct (Gelinas & Dull 2010).

There are different methods of promoting computer security for computer security depending on a wide range of relationships amongst different parties. In order to promote computer security in different sectors, it is paramount for the involved parties to create awareness of computer ethics. For example, parents should make sure that they train their children on the pertinent issues surrounding the Internet and general computer usage. Additionally, they should also monitor how their children are using their computers. Similarly, employers should develop comprehensive ethics policies that employees agree to adhere to, as a part of their employment.

To promote computer ethics, it is essential for organizations to ensure that employees understand the specific work ethics immediately after being hired. However, the challenge arises from the fact that individuals may not adhere to computer ethics, thus limiting their effectiveness in solving computer security problems.

Would the removal of computer security measures reduce computer fraud?

Organizations must ensure that they have a well-implemented internal control mechanism for their computer networks. The control mechanism should have the capacity to handle various risks facing the computer network such as computer fraud. Different computer security measures have been developed to deal with computer fraud. Some of these include implementation of intrusion detection software, firewalls, and use of honeypots (Kesar 2006).

Despite the fact that there are numerous computer security measures such as those enforced through the law; for example, IPRs, incidences of computer fraud are on the rise in many countries (Gangemi 2012). One of the factors that promote computer fraud is related to poorly configured and implemented security tools such as firewalls. As a result, it has increasingly become possible for various forms of computer fraud techniques such as eavesdropping, hacking, cracking, data leakage, data diddling, and piggybacking amongst others, to be conducted.

Considering the fact that it is possible for computer fraud to be conducted on a network that has already been installed with computer security measures, removal of security measures would further enhance the rate of computer fraud. Another factor that would stimulate the rate of computer fraud is associated with the fact that the IT industry is undergoing a high rate of integration and proliferation. As a result, cyber-related crimes would increase because fraudsters would have an opportunity of committing computer fraud on a wider computer network (Kesar 2006). Instead of removing computer security, organizations and individuals should consider adopting the most effective security measures for their networks.


Considering the high rate of technological development and growth in ICT, there has been increased concern for computer security. As a result, different methods of enhancing computer security have been developed. One of the most common ways of improving computer security relates to development of intellectual property rights such as copyrights. As a result, licensing has been considered antisocial. Enhancing computer ethics should also be considered as an important element in promoting computer security. Teaching computer ethics will contribute towards the promotion of a secure computer usage culture. However, the biggest challenge about teaching computer ethics arises from the fact that, some individuals may not adhere to the formulated computer ethics. Despite these setbacks, the removal of computer security measures would increase the rate of computer fraud by creating room for different parties to be engaged in computer-based crimes.


To ensure the future growth of the ICT industry, it is crucial for the parties involved in this industry to take into account the following recommendations.

  1. Adequate protection about the usage of software should be provided to software authors in order to safeguard their innovation.
  2. To promote the development of previous innovations, it is paramount for the involved parties to review their licensing procedure. One of the ways through which this aspect can be achieved is by ensuring that software is used without any limitations.
  3. Software users should also be issued with the right to modify and redistribute software copies. However, this should only be conducted within a predetermined framework.
  4. It is also crucial for organizations to promote computer ethics amongst employees. One of the ways through which organizations can achieve this goal is by developing a strict code of ethics that the employees should observe. Some of the issues that should be taken into account relating to information privacy, accuracy, and authorization of computer usage. However, for ethical measures to be effective, a strong organizational culture should be fostered.
  5. Organizations should ensure that they implement effective security measures that act as a deterrent to computer fraud. Additionally, the security measures implemented should be well configured and implemented, as this will make it difficult for parties who perpetrate computer fraud to hack the computer network.

Reference List

Classen, H 2006, A practical guide to software licensing for licensees and licensors: Analyses and model forms, American Bar Association, Chicago.

Gangemi, R 2012, ‘Information security’, International Journal of Information Security, vol. 1 no. 4, pp. 1-30.

Gelinas, U & Dull, R 2010, Accounting information systems, Cengage Learning, Ohio.

Harison, E 2008, Intellectual property rights, innovation and software technologies: the economics of monopoly rights and knowledge disclosure, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

Kesar, S 2006, ‘Legal issues alone are not enough to manage computer fraud committed by employees’, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology, vol. 1 no. 1, pp. 1-16.

Ranjan, R 2006, Principles of multimedia, McGraw-Hill Education, London.

Stim, R 2012, Patent, copyright and trademark, Nolo, Berkeley.

Tiwary, D 2011, ‘Security and ethical issues in IT: An organization’s perspective’, International Journal of Enterprise Computing and Business Systems, vol. 1 no. 2, pp.1-13.

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