Concerns in the Building of Community Gardens

One of the central concerns in the building of community gardens is the legal evidence of the right to remain. It may seem unconventional since almost everyone can see the exceptional benefits of such initiatives. However, the state may try to close the green due to unauthorized use of the land, too large or too small garden sizes, and many other non-serious causes. Covid has created another challenge on the path to completing the community gardens global trend. A small plot of land did not allow people to work at the required distance from each other. The authorities regarded this as a violation of the protocol prescribed during the pandemic outbreak and tried to hush up the case (Moran, 2022). Instead of financial and moral support, the state does not seem to recognize the unquestioning benefits of green areas and applies a number of laws to obstruct them.

I share the author’s attitude and position on the need for such initiatives. Community gardens are indeed a great option for economic support and community bonding. Gardens provide the beauty of a green city and fresh food for family feeding. It gives a person an idea of ​​a new alternative to helping the public and private economy. Community gardens in or near a city are an undervalued reserve of affordable food supply in metropolitan areas. In order for these territories to become modern and comfortable, it is necessary to develop their infrastructure and social sphere and work on their aesthetics. People must organize into communities of active citizens to actively promote community gardens and all necessary changes. The illustration from the article shows the successful outcome of the collective effort against state mistreatment.


Moran, G. (2022). NYC community gardeners might have new protection in the fight against development. Civil Eats.

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