Constitutional Rights in Criminal Justice


The American Constitution outlines the rights of all citizens. Some unique rights are also available to those in criminal justice systems. However, sometimes violations of such liberties occur. Lies in criminal cases can affect the outcome of cases. Law enforcers need to protect and promote people’s rights. This paper seeks to examine these issues in detail.

The Constitution outlines various rights and freedoms that are available to all citizens. The criminal justice system goes further to present unique liberties that legal experts and law enforcement officers should be aware of. This knowledge will discourage them from providing false information throughout the process while upholding the rights of convicted persons. Failure to do so means that some of the individuals will encounter various challenges or be unable to get justice. This paper analyzes and discusses these issues and why they matter for any country’s criminal justice system.

Constitutional Rights

The Sixth Amendment to the Constitution outlines the rights of convicts. They are entitled to a speedy and fair trial. The jury involved in every case should be impartial. Citizens should be aware of the pronounced evidence and charges. The repaper of an attorney is necessary. Convicts are allowed to have an attorney and call witnesses.

The American Constitution provides many rights that are available to all people going through the criminal justice process. Such individuals should get a fair and speedy trial from a competent jury. Every convicted person needs to be aware of the charges pronounced against him or her and the evidence gathered (Mayeux, 2018). The right to an attorney is liberty that experts should not ignore. Such people will be allowed to call in witnesses to strengthen their defense.

Violation of Constitutional Rights

Sometimes people’s Constitutional rights are violated throughout the criminal process. The affected individual will need to file a claim. The state judge will be required to hear the case (Mayeux, 2018). Valid claims can result in the termination of the pronounced charge. Individuals are empowered under the Constitution to sue public officials or agencies. Monetary damages and compensations can be awarded.

The Constitution is designed in such a way that convicts who believe that their rights have been violated will have to file their claims. The judge in charge will have to hear the case and make the relevant determinations. When such claims are found to be valid, the expert might decide to terminate the case (Copp & Bales, 2018). Victims can go further to sue the offender and seek the relevant monetary compensation.

Role of Law Enforcement

Law enforcement officers and agencies need to protect citizens’ liberties. In the criminal justice system, violation of personal rights can result in more problems. Officers need to consult their job descriptions and follow the Constitution. Such professionals should pursue the implemented codes of conduct (Mayeux, 2018). Continuous training and refresher courses will discourage various malpractices. The move to support convicts throughout the justice process can reduce such violations.

Sometimes law enforcement agencies and officials might engage in activities that result in the violation of convicts’ Constitutional rights. This occurrence might trigger additional challenges for both the professionals and the targeted citizens. Officers and their leaders need to describe the major obligations under the Constitution. A renewed focus on the established code of conduct will deliver timely results (Mayeux, 2018). The concepts of continuous training and citizen empowerment will reduce the chances of violations and take more people closer to their goals.

When Police Officers and Investigators Lie

Cases of deceit and perjury are common in courts. Some officers might decide to lie in court (Copp & Bales, 2018). They might engage in such malpractice to safeguard their interests. Some might be acting out of stereotypes. The occurrence of such malpractices can affect the entire process. Proper mechanisms are missing to detect lies.

In most cases, investigators and police officers present accurate information in courts to streamline the criminal justice process. Unfortunately, some experts might choose to lie based on several factors, such as prejudice, stereotypes, and hatred. Such malpractices usually have the potential to disorient the entire process (Copp & Bales, 2018). The country has also failed to implement powerful mechanisms that can ensure that the system can detect any lie throughout the criminal justice process.

Effect on Cases

Lies can have disastrous implications on criminal cases. Judges will rely on the presented information. The final determination might affect victims’ experiences. Some people might be imprisoned unfairly. Others might be forced to serve longer jail sentences. Such issues will affect the integrity of the process and the lives of the affected individuals.

This paper has revealed that some professionals in the criminal justice system might lie in courts. Since judges and juries rely on the presented information, the chances of making wrong convictions increase significantly. The possible outcome is that the convicted person might not get a befitting judgment. The situation worsens when the individual is unable to present a strong or convincing defense. In conclusion, these challenges explain why officers and experts in criminal justice systems should embrace the notions of integrity and professionalism to ensure that all people receive fair judgments.


Copp, J. E., & Bales, W. D. (2018). Jails and local justice system reform: Overview and recommendations. The Future of Children, 28(1), 103-124. Web.

Mayeux, S. (2018). The idea of “the criminal justice system”. American Journal of Criminal Law, 45(1), 55-93. Web.

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