Construction Management at Risk: A New Hospital in Baton Rouge


The most suitable project delivery approach for the health organization’s proposal to construct a new hospital in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, would be construction management at risk (CMAR). A large and complex project has many stakeholders, as well as many moving pieces. Due to the project’s complexity, there may be disagreements and misunderstandings, which could result in delays and increased expenditures. Thus, CMAR’s collaborative approach is a good fit due to the project’s size and complexity.


Firstly, the health organization values collaboration and risk mitigation over low cost, which aligns with CMAR’s approach. The health organization’s chief aim for this project is to guarantee that it is finished on schedule, under budget, and to the greatest possible standard. The CMAR strategy prioritizes collaboration and risk reduction over cost-cutting (Gransberg & Gransberg, 2020). Because it involves early engagement between the owner, designer, and construction manager, which can result in better risk management and creative solutions, the CMAR approach aligns with the health organization’s aims.

Secondly, the early involvement of the construction manager during the design phase, or CMAR, can result in more quickly completed projects at a lower cost. Accordingly, the construction manager is involved early in the project’s design phase as part of the CMAR strategy (“Lecture 7 Transcript,” n.d.). The construction manager can recommend different construction techniques, detect potential constructability problems, and ensure the project is planned to make it easy and affordable.


In conclusion, the CMAR strategy enables collaboration between all participants right from the start of the project. It requires early engagement between the owner, the designer, and the construction manager and results in a better-organized and more effective project. Therefore, for the above reasons, CMAR is the most appropriate project delivery method for the health organization’s plan to build a new hospital in Baton Rouge.


Adamtey, S. A. (2020). An empirical study to assist owners in selecting the right procurement method for design-build projects. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 18(1), 67–84. Web.

Gransberg, N. J., & Gransberg, D. D. (2020). Public project construction manager-at-risk contracts: Lessons learned from a comparison of commercial and infrastructure projects. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(1). Web.

Lecture 7 Transcript (n.d.). [PDF document].

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