Consumer Involvement in the Healthcare System


To date, the involvement of consumers in the healthcare system is one of the important, valuable, and significant moments that contribute to strengthening the health of citizens and protecting against various risks at the micro, meso, and macro levels. For instance, by having all the necessary and meaningful information about health and the state of the body, a person can more likely prevent the onset of serious diseases, unlike those individuals who are not involved in the particular procedure. Moreover, the involvement contributes to improving and strengthening the relationship between a consumer and a provider of medical services to meet the expectations of each party.

Consumer involvement in healthcare

Primarily, paying special attention to easy and fast access to laboratory results, analyses, health history, prescriptions, and much more is necessary. The procedure of quick and straightforward clarification of such data provides support for calming, comfort, and eliminating the concerns of sick people (Nymberg et al., 2019). It is also recommended to mention the simplified strategy of making an appointment with a medical specialist. Pre-registration allows one to quickly access information about the work schedule of individual offices and doctors. A patient can make an appointment with a physician without leaving home and get a medical service at a convenient time. Due to modern technologies and progress, an individual can also consult a specialist via email.

In addition, today, it is possible to make an appointment not only for a consultation with a doctor but also in a similar way to coordinate the vaccination with an expert in advance. In several situations, one must remember PHR, the presence of which can literally save a life and prevent a person from harmful consequences. In emergencies, one can provide important information about many diseases and ailments and ask for help when it is impossible to get to a medical facility.


In conclusion, examples of the above procedures are not exhaustive, but mentioning them is enough to understand how much consumer involvement in healthcare is of value in the modern world. It saves time for both a patient and a medical institution since it is possible to view data on the state of health and the proposed methods and means of treating ailments. Moreover, one can choose a convenient time for a meeting, consultation, and appointment date; with an electronic appointment, people are able to make an appointment regardless of the time of day.


Nymberg, V. M., Bolmsjö, B. B., Wolff, M., Calling, S., Gerward, S., & Sandberg, M. (2019). ‘Having to learn this so late in our lives…’Swedish elderly patients’ beliefs, experiences, attitudes and expectations of e-health in primary health care. Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, 37(1), 41-52.

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