Contemporary Couples Diversity

Contemporary Couples Diversity

The collage combines images that reflect the diversity of contemporary couples and highlights the differences between couples today and those of 100 years ago. Jan van Eyck’s Arnolfini Portrait is featured as a smaller image within the collage. The Arnolfini Portrait is a reference to the conventional lovers depicted in art a century ago. The pair is seen in the picture standing in front of a bed, with several aspects representing their marriage. The dog in the image is considered to symbolize faithfulness, while the boots on the floor indicate the pair standing on sacred ground (Cole para 14).

A significant portion of the collage is taken by a photo of two brides entering into a same-sex marriage, which differentiates contemporary relationships from predominantly heterosexual image of relationships in history. Next, the photo of a celebrity couple of actors, Tom Holland and Zendaya, is featured in the collage to represent the modern idea of equal partnership in relations. Lastly, the collage includes a photo of a happy African-American couple with children. These elements, which include different races and sexual orientations, all come together in a beautiful collage that showcases the diversity of contemporary couples.

As society shifts away from the conventional nuclear family model, this variety reflects shifting perspectives regarding partnerships and families. While many people still adhere to this concept, the collage emphasizes the reality that love and devotion may today take many other forms. For example, more blended families, same-sex couples, and co-parenting arrangements exist now than ever before. Furthermore, the advancement of technology and the availability of online dating services have made it simpler for people to locate mates who share their interests and beliefs. The collage, therefore, represents not only the complexities of modern relationships but also the exciting possibilities that the future holds for love and commitment in our society.

Work Cited

Cole, Margherita. “How to Decipher the Symbolism in Jan Van Eyck’s Famous ‘Arnolfini Portrait’My Modern Met. 2022. Web.

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