How Shootings Shaped Political Views, Perspectives, & Attitudes: Personal Essay

One frequently runs into many societal issues throughout their lifetime. Mass shootings, which have a significant impact on the political opinions, perspectives, and attitudes of the younger generation, are one of its causes. I believe that the threat of widespread shootings has widened the ideological divide between liberals and conservatives, those who support and oppose carrying firearms, and those who have differing views on mental illnesses.

Political perspectives influenced by the potential for shootings vary: I started to hold more conservative opinions. I think that the possibility of storing weapons at home will give me the opportunity to protect myself and my family (Gregory & Wilson para. 2). However, many of my peers, due to mass shootings, began to adhere to a more liberal position opposing the free possession of weapons.

The perspectives with which I began to look at education have also changed. Although many of my peers believe that this will increase anxiety in children and oppose such educational programs, I think it is absolutely necessary to conduct training in schools on the algorithm of actions in the event of a mass shooting (Gregory & Wilson para. 10).

My attitude towards people with mental illnesses has also changed. I think it is important to let instructors in an educational setting know about this even if many of my peers still think receiving treatment from a psychiatrist should remain confidential so they can pay closer attention to students who have this issue (Glastris para. 10).

Thus, I think that the tension caused by the threat of mass shootings is the cause of a major split in public opinion. This can cause misunderstandings between adherents of different political view, separating them and making the fight against the problem even more difficult.

Works Cited

Glastris, William. “A Real Long-Term Solution to Gun Violence.” Washington Monthly, Web.

Gregory, Sean, and Scott Wilson. “6 Real Ways We Can Reduce Gun Violence in America.” Time, Web.

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