Cornell University’s and Anaheim University’s Vision Statements


A vision statement is a public document that declares an organization’s goals and long-term prospects. It plays a fundamental role in creating a strategic plan in educational organizations. This paper will be based on the vision statements from the two US educational institutions, namely Cornell University and Anaheim University, to define the vision and consider their options and practical value. The examples studied show that a vision cannot have a universal form for every organization. Each institution has a unique context, path to its goals, and methods. A clear vision enhances the organizational culture and the level of support for the initiatives and aspirations of people in the community. Common aims and expectations eliminate disagreements between people and stimulate the sharing of experience and knowledge.

Vision Statements Comparison

Vision and mission statements should be properly identified in any organization. Missions reflect the activities in the present time and set the direction for effective decisions. A vision describes a mental picture of a desired future for an organization shared by teachers, students, and other community members (Mittal et al., 2021). A shared vision can bind an organization’s members to each other to create connections and collaborations (Fitzsimmons et al., 2022). Such statements are usually short and to the point, about 20-50 words (Bayrak, 2020). A practical and positive vision statement contains several aspects: “brevity, clarity, future orientation, stability, challenge, abstraction, and the ability to inspire” (Kantabutra, 2020, p. 9). The vision must correspond and be adequate to the stated goals and mission.

Most organizations formulate their vision statements to ensure their success. For example, Cornell University offers its vision by clearly defining its aspirations “to be the exemplary comprehensive research university for the 21st century” (“Mission & vision,” 2023, para. 2). The next part is dedicated to students and teachers who succeed thanks to the university promoting innovative culture, inclusiveness, unparalleled quality, and community engagement. The offered form is short and clear, with the first sentence expressing a future orientation. Its research values and goals are stable and abstract, allowing them to remain adequate with changes. Challenge is the only aspect that is not included in Cornell’s vision.

Another example of how a vision statement may be introduced and developed can be observed in the Anaheim University context. The facility chooses a forward-looking idea that describes long-term goals and benefits for students, teachers, and the community. Its vision statement sounds like “share it forward,” and it is reminiscent of the principle or motto in its content (“History & mission,” 2023, para. 7). Like Cornell University, Anaheim’s vision is used to inspire the community and show how the best inspirations may be gathered within one and short statement. There are almost 400 words in Anaheim University’s vision statement that mention a specific paper-free project and its history. This information is detailed, applicable to the community, and essential to society but does not meet the academic requirement of abstractness. As it does not meet the requirement of brevity and stability, it can quickly become outdated due to current changes in the university’s work.

The chosen vision statements differ significantly in form and content. Cornell is distinguished by its statements’ brevity, clarity, and abstraction, while Anaheim concentrates on details to describe its historical moments. Both statements are progressive and address the needs of students, teachers, and the community. The stated goals of both institutions’ visions are achievable and realistic. They are an extension of the mission statement that relates to their goals.

Each university has a clear statement that underlines the essence of its work. However, there is always time to take a step and improve. Anaheim University’s statement may be more flexible and adaptable to current changes by adding more sections with the motto and description of particular projects. Cornell University can focus on the role of students as common stakeholders in innovation progress. People are eager to make solid contributions when they identify their worth through their organizations’ visions. New statements for both facilities sound like the inspiration to achieve self and others’ success by sharing knowledge and new ideas.


The vision statement is fundamental for developing an organization’s strategic plan. Unlike the mission, the vision reveals not the existing context but the future global goals and aspirations. Statement unites students and teachers and is related to organizational culture. A clear, concise, and understandable vision helps people understand an institution’s development and move in the same direction. An analysis of the vision statements of two universities in the US showed that the wording could differ significantly in form and content. Cornell keeps its message short, while Anaheim tries to communicate more about its plans and present its values. Both statements inspire the community to learn about innovation and change. Cornell and Anaheim’s statements have minor violations of the structure recommended by scientists but retain their practical value. They inspire confidence and seem achievable and realistic, as they are consistent with the stated missions and the unique spirit of each organization.


Bayrak, T. (2020). A content analysis of top-ranked universities’ mission statements from five global regions. International Journal of Educational Development, 72. Web.

Fitzsimmons, A. B., Qin, Y. S., & Heffron, E. R. (2022). Purpose vs mission vs vision: Persuasive appeals and components in corporate statements. Journal of Communication Management, 26(2), 207-219. Web.

History & mission. (2023). Anaheim University. Web.

Kantabutra, S. (2020). Toward an organizational theory of sustainability vision. Sustainability, 12(3), 1-26. Web.

Mission & vision. (2023). Cornell University. Web.

Mittal, V., Sridhar, S., Mittal, V., & Sridhar, S. (2021). The inspirational executive: Strategy planning through mission, vision, and values. Focus: How to Plan Strategy and Improve Execution to Achieve Growth, 47-63. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 30). Cornell University’s and Anaheim University’s Vision Statements.

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