Crisis Management in an Organization

Crisis management or communication refers to how an organization identifies a threat and responds to it effectively. Crisis management in an organization can viewed as a procedure whereby the old systems are no longer maintained so as to mitigate certain threats associated with them. This means that crisis management also includes dealing with sources of threats that cause the crisis to exist in the first place. Some of the questions that would be interesting to explore in a class discussion include how an individual or organization can respond to fear? What essential factors should an organization evaluate before responding to any fear or threat? And what ways can an organization or individual enforce to develop crisis management skills?

Strange, yet so familiar to every individual, is the fear felt when things are not working out as planned. However, the anxiety, sleepless nights, a long period of uneasiness and dark premonitions could be a very strange feeling when the real threat is finally faced (Bauman 12). To some people, this experience might not be as strange as it seems since they might have learned how to deal with the threat as well as respond to the fears. Getting to know what might poison the brighter days is very imperative. This is because it prepares everyone to understand where the threat is coming from, what should be done to avoid it, and if it is unavoidable, the kind of pain one should have to accept.

There are some important factors that people or organizations should respond to when dealing with fear. Some of them include ignorance and ubiquity of fear. Such factors will always help an individual deal with such cases of fear in the near future. Cases of fear or threat tend to destroy our bodies, our homes as well as our workplaces. The various ways in which an organization or individual can come up with in order to develop crisis management skills is a topic of discussion in a large class.

Work Cited

Bauman, Zygmunt. Liquid fear. Cambridge, Polity Press, 2006.

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