Cultural Competence in Nursing: A Self-Assessment Reflection

The primary purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the results of self-assessment, which is based on the conceptual framework developed by the National Center for Cultural Competence. The form for the self-assessment task is retrieved from the Center’s website, and it is entitled The Cultural Competence and Linguistic Competence Policy Assessment (CLCPA). One of the framework’s principal premises suggests that “achieving cultural competence is a developmental process at both the individual and organizational levels” (“Cultural and linguistic competence,” 2006, p. 1). Thus, this assumption was taken into account while I was performing the self-assessment task.

It is appropriate to state that completing this task was a considerably challenging yet very thought-provoking experience. The CLCPA self-assessment includes questions related to several areas of concern to obtain a sufficient amount of information about corporate policies and personal beliefs. These areas are the following: knowledge of diverse communities, organizational philosophy, personal involvement in diverse communities, resources and linkages, human resources, clinical practice, and engagement of diverse communities (“Cultural and linguistic competence,” 2006). For each of these topics, I answered several questions, the number of which was varying from topic to topic.

The most important result of this self-assessment is that I became aware of the aspects in which I was less competent (personal involvement and engagement of diverse communities). I found out that I am relatively well acquainted with the organizational philosophy and clinical practices related to diverse communities. However, the questions related to personal involvement helped me to realize the fact that I was not aware of the wide variety of the means to improve the public health and understand communicational needs of these communities. In conclusion, I should state that this self-assessment task had a considerably positive impact on me as a nursing professional.


Cultural and linguistic competence policy assessment. (2006). Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Cultural Competence in Nursing: A Self-Assessment Reflection." May 6, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Cultural Competence in Nursing: A Self-Assessment Reflection." May 6, 2021.

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