Cultural and Natural Landscape of the City of Bonn

The city of Bonn has considered one of the most sophisticated cities of Germany so that many inhabitants recognize it as another capital. The city embodies the harmony of place and time; it connects the natural and cultural landscape into one identity that creates the spiritual and moral harmony. This city is also the birthplace of many artists and musicians so that it is also called the city of Beethoven. Finally, despite its provincial character, the city has been converted into a powerful and prosperous industrialized and cosmopolitan center that attracts a growing number of tourists.

The city of Bonn is located on the river Rhine, a pleasant location in front of vista Seven Mountains near the river (Kort, 140). Such a convenient location is an ideal place for those who want to enjoy the silence of nature and tenacious power. The humid climate of the city fosters the development of agricultural brunch, as the weather of Bonn gradually changes, month by month thus avoiding the rapid falls and rises of temperature. Sometimes, the climate is spoiled by the invasion of maritime winds blowing from the North see. On the whole, Bonn often witnesses warm and humid summers and mild winters. The coldest month in a year is January when the temperature can reach the three degrees below zero whereas the hottest month is July and August, the time of harvesting (World Guide to Bonn n.pag.).

Bonn is considered as the cultural center of Europe where love for music prevails the rock, jazz, pop, and classical opera. Therefore, Bonn is also known for its musical and intellectual inheritance. It is the birthplace of a musical genius – Ludwig van Beethoven – whose house was turned into the museum of musical instruments and personal memoirs. The main cultural and intellectual inheritance is the University of Bonn that produced many outstanding minds, like Karl Marx and Henrich Heine (Kalamazoo college study 2009-2010, p. 5). Bonn culture has a provincial and calm nature where people lead mostly a moderate way of life. Nowadays this city is an overt center of creativity that attracts numerous organizations and retains the status of Bonn as the second capital of Germany. The atmosphere and some historical preconditions considerably influenced the contemporary image of the city. Together with its rich history and cultural inheritance, the city is also recognized as the center of technological development. Bonn is acknowledged as a leader in international affairs; it has close relationships with the United Nations Organization thus increasing its political and economical importance (University of Kansas 2009).

The above shows that the city of Bonn is the embodiment of duality and contrast. On the one hand, it is the city of social and cultural equilibrium created by a favorable geographic position and moderate climate conditions; this is the birthplace of famous talented artists and philosophers. On the other hand, Bonn has successfully entered the era of technological and political advancement and therefore it has gained political and economical recognition at the international level. Still, it preserves the image of the provincial city saturated with the spirit of culture and creativity. Viewing the city as a personality, it is worth mentioning that the main feature of the city is its ability to adjust to all historic conditions, including the wars and revolutions, cultural rises, and recessions.


Bonn Weather and Climate: Seasonal Variations. (2010). Bonn weather and Climate – Bonn Guide to World. Web.

Kort, M. (2001). The handbook of the new Eastern Europe. Hong-Kong: Twenty-First Century Books.

Semester of Year Abroad: Bonn, Germany.(2009). University of Kansas. Web. 

The Bonn, Germany Program Guidebook. (2009-2010). Kalamazoo college study abroad center for international programs. Web.

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