Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance


Daily stretching refers to a consistent weight-training program. This may include Aerobic sessions, jogging, and physical workouts. Beginners of a body exercise program have targets and goals in mind, which motivate them to train on their weight. The need to exercise your body can have short-term or long-term benefits.

Short-term benefits of a daily training program

A Stretching program should not be mild in order to achieve endurance and resistance in physical workouts. A stretch program can enhance cardiovascular vibration. Therefore the heart and blood vessels are motivated to function better. The program should also enhance all chemical processes in the body, especially the processes that enable food to be used for energy and growth. Physical training facilitates digestion and ingestion of food through blood vessels, and body tissues are able to grow fast.

Through body exercise, Coronary diseases are minimized. After training, the flow of blood is fastened, and blood does not block to cause blood clotting. A consistent weight-training program can therefore reduce blood clot deficiencies in the body. Through a stretching program, physiological fitness is acquired, resulting in a better human mind and body feeling.

Sportsmen and women prefer a strong bone density to increase their body strength. Consistency in weight training strengthens the bone structure, and performance in the field of sports is enhanced.

Physical fitness is everybody’s desire, and it does not come easy. Body exercise beginners need to be focused and determined to be physically fit. Physical fitness is the foundation of all activities in life. People need fitness to walk, run in times of danger and be physically fit at home in order to perform household duties. Lack of physical fitness may lead to laziness, which may not be economically and financially desirable. Those physically enough do not need to employ house helps and gardeners, and this is considered to be saving on the cost of living.

A daily stretching program reduces the level of body fats in the mass body composition. Extra body fats are burned down during a thorough, consistent weight-training program. Reduction in body fats reduces exposure to the obesity condition, which may be expensive, both financially and health-wise. Stretching improves respiratory functioning, and breathing complications are reduced.

By having a consistent weight-training program, the heart rate is improved, and blood moves fast to all parts of the body, and cases of fainting due to insufficient flow of blood are avoided.. Stretching motivates the human heart, which is the basis of human life. All heart-related diseases like High Blood Pressure and Diabetes are kept away from the body system. Physically fit individuals have a healthy life free of diseases.

Consistency in training ensures endurance by all body parts. There are different exercises for different body parts, and this may be an economic benefit to a weight-lifting athlete. Weight lifting needs a foundation on a strong physical structure, which can only be attained through a daily stretching program. Body tissues are complicated, they need some strain to grow.

Failure to implement a daily stretching program may cause chronic pain, which may be on different parts of the body. Chronic pain can cause unfunctioning of some body parts like the back, which may cut short a person’s lifespan.

A consistent training program enhances an individual’s self-esteem, and self-confidence is improved. People tend to be enthusiastic in performing household and industrial or economic duties. Members of staff for any business entity are encouraged to participate in sports too, relax their body and brains. Serious employers own a training facility or pay for their employees’ stretching programs (Edward, pp. 20-37)

Long term benefits of the daily training program

A stretching program keeps all parts of the body strong due to the fast flow of food with digested food for the body tissues. Most cases of retirement are due to tired and worn-out body tissues due to a lack of enough body exercise. If the working population exercises enough, sickness in employees will be lowered. Healthy employees will not ask for sick leaves all the time, and an organization’s productivity and profitability are increased. Organizations may want to pay for their employee’s weight training programs to lower the long-term implications of sickness due to lack of physical fitness.

In old age, people tend to be weak. This old age body weakness can only be reduced if individuals start exercising their body consistently at a young age. Elderly people normally have numerous complications at old age and can be reduced through stretching.

Students need some time off the class to perform extracurricular activities. Part of students’ relaxation can be by stretching. In a thorough, consistent weight training, students relax their brains and may perform better when they get back to academic activities (work without play makes tom dull). Through consistent training, students will be able to identify their talents and work on them for improvement. During physical exercises, a student may discover that he/she is good in physical exercises, and this may give someone a contract in weight lifting or bodybuilding.

Physical exercises in the gym enhance mobility and body strength. This will be helpful in cases where someone is required to apply some physical energy, and this is only acquired through a training program. Mobility is very helpful in performing both domestic and industrial duties. Lack of efficient mobility and body strength may lead to health complications in the latter days of life. (Rod, pp. 3 -17 )

Consistent weight training can prepare someone to participate in body-building competitions. Bodybuilding is a long-term process, and being patient gets success. The process of building up body mass needs a lot of focus routine training is therefore necessary. Body shapes acquired through an intensive stretching program improve an individual’s reception at public places. Bodybuilders are always in demand to do adverts and market the company’s products and services.

Those who carry out physical exercises develop better feeding habits due to the demand for food nutrients for the building up of body tissues. This improves somebody’s health, and diseases are avoided due to the healthy diet maintained by those who carry out daily stretching programs.

Dancing gymnastics perfect their skills with a consistent weight training program. Dancing requires physical fitness, which has been accumulated over time. A stretching program will ensure flexibility of body tissues, and a dancer is able to act better and attract a larger audience.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which is a condition related to the elderly, is prevented through a daily stretching program. Those who stretch need to target both short-term and long-term benefits, which are all related to good health status. Health is wealth; by consistent training, economic and financial benefits will rise, and those who begin to carry out body exercises do not regret it. (Glenn, pp. 2-51)

Work Cited

Edward C. Stretching program in the Treatment of Chronic pain. Spine Publishers. New York. 2007

Rod K Weight Training Tips. Willey Publishers New. York. 2007

Glenn A The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Excise for developing and Maintaining Cardiore Piratory and Muscular Fitness. Spine Publishers. New York. 2007

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1. StudyCorgi. "Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance." August 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/daily-stretching-program-for-endurance-and-resistance/.


StudyCorgi. "Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance." August 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/daily-stretching-program-for-endurance-and-resistance/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Daily Stretching Program: Benefits for Endurance and Resistance." August 28, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/daily-stretching-program-for-endurance-and-resistance/.

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