Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation


Everyone has observed in life the fact that true dedication is the background of success in business, education or any social activities. The system of education requires complete involvement and active participation of the students to reach success and obtain necessary qualifications. Dedication is considered to be an integral part of students’ perfect achievements in the process of study; it can be proved through learning progress, perfect relationships with group-mates, and the formation of personality.

Dedication characteristics

A dedication is characterized through students’ attempts to get the best and reach real success through education progress. The analysis of education process, learning the material and attending the classes regularly, all these can be observed on the basis of true dedication to the activities performed. For instance, a student named Jonah, has a dream, to touch every ocean on every continent of the entire world, with his bare feet. Jonah is going for his bachelors, getting his business degree. Not for the wealth and prestige a successful business man receives, but first and foremost the freedom it will afford to make his wildest dreams a reality. In pursuit of a breathtaking dream like that, a true devotee has mastered self management. It takes consistency and constantly planning organizing and re-organizing! So, dedication for students’ education leads to success and can result in positive challenges for future skills and professionalism development. One of my professors stated that the students can exceed our exactions only due to hard work and exceptional dedication.

Dedication can be characterized as the feeling coming purely from the heart and wondering to one’s confidence; very often students strive to get noticed among their group-mates, imitating confidence and dedication to the students’ society they are surrounded by. University’s life is characterized not only through hard study, but by active participation in students’ life. There are a number of boys’ and girls’ clubs, sport communities and circles organized in accordance with the interests; such organizations underline the level of students’ dedication to their favorite activities and stand them out of other group-mates. The strengthening of relationships is formed due to well organized common interests of clubs members, which teach students to develop their dedication feeling.

Besides, dedication is the element of personality formation; students being dedicated to their study or certain activities experience gradual self-improvement of personality. The core of dedication and a students’ success level, is the ability to truly believe in themselves. The person is the center of his universe, an absolutely worthy human being. This student is mentally strong, adaptable, intelligent, insightful, and open minded. He is emotionally passionate, caring, understanding and empathetic. Socially, this student is always respectful, reliable, friendly and accepting of others.


A successful student has to be devoted to being positive in every aspect of their lives. They must hush the inner defender, wanting to place blame on others. They have to ignore the inner critic that always judges and tears them down unnecessarily. They employ their inner guide to pilot the way they look at each individual situation. They must be the creators of their own universe, turning even negatives into positive “learning experiences”. Dedication will always lead to success in education and self formation, as well as strengthening social position and relationships with surrounding people.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 8). Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation." November 8, 2021.

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