Def Poetry: The Last Poets- “Take Your Time”

The poem’s main message is to show that people lose their identity and more individuals are becoming faded behind mink coats and alligator shoes. Human progress brings many positive aspects, but it also ruins the traditions that people have been building over time. When bad luck happens, we remember that we are living species that should care for their future generations. Individuals can stay kind to their friends, relatives, and others who remain positive in relation to them. However, most of the time, people develop composure because of their daily routines.

The poem’s primary purpose could be to try to explain that every person sees their future in bright colors, but they do not mention their current problems that affect their expectations. Everyone is striving for progress which does not mean success and might cause more negativities to the humanity. The Lats Poets state: take your time with the Revolution for this is for the people, and this part of the work made me feel that individuals usually want to become better for others, but not for themselves (Poetical Tv). Consequently, this poem has raised the thought about human nature and the purpose of life, which is defined in a different way by diverse people.

The authors have used several metaphors to make the work more prosaic and specific for every person. For instance, the forest’s dark green density might have different meanings for some people, but I believe that the authors tried to compare this line with the human birth and the understanding of the surrounding world. “Take Your Time” is written with symbolism, which states a deep meaning in every line. For example, our soul awakens us from a dreadful sleep and shows a deep explanation of human personality, which may not allow the body to enter the phase of depression.

Work Cited

“Def Poetry: The Last Poets- “Take Your Time” (Official Video).” YouTube, uploaded by Poetical Tv, 2011.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Def Poetry: The Last Poets- “Take Your Time”." May 22, 2023.

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