Defining Success: The Concept and Its Definitions

Success can be defined as an accomplishment of a set goal or purpose. There is another definition of the word as the meaning varies from one individual to another. Several people tend to measure it based on generally what one owns. There are always no secrets to achieving one’s goals, but it all involves enough preparation, hard work, and learning from mistakes or failures encountered (Mensah, 2021). It also requires a lot of preparation, and there can be failures; therefore, one uses the failures to improve and create strategies to accomplish the set goals. Therefore, it can be generally described as accomplishing the set goals, accepting whatever one has, and being happy.

It also entails developing clear aims or goals that one needs to accomplish after a stipulated time. When one has set goals, one tends to be more successful than one who does not have any goals or aims to accomplish. On the other hand, these goals cannot be achieved without enough commitment and motivation. Some people fail to succeed or accomplish their goals because they do set goals that are not realistic.

As a result of cultural conditioning, people are taught to place a high value on material wealth to achieve happiness and success. Most people think that having a lot of money is a must for one to be an achiever. In the minds of some, the accumulation of riches is seen as the key to achieving feelings of self-satisfaction and power. They devote their whole lives to accumulating riches, which may develop into an unhealthy preoccupation for them. Moral ideals may be sacrificed for the sake of monetary gain. Their actions may bring them financial success, but they often compromise their emotional relationships. Consequently, even if they are financially successful, they may still feel alone or dissatisfied, which is a failure symptom. There is also a notable connection between success and happiness. Happinness is not just a feeling but also it needs practice (Adams, 2022). Achieving well-being should be the ultimate goal of riches; if one is successful materially but unhappy, then that success is incomplete. As a result, success must be defined as the contentment that follows a goal’s accomplishment.

Due to the widespread belief that wealth and material possessions do not guarantee success, many people consider wealth a meaningless measure of success. However, some believe that having a lot of money is associated with achievement. A person’s desire for wealth will only increase if raised in a household without sufficient financial resources. The realization that you cannot retain what you do not give away is an essential component of achievement; it is not enough to fulfill all of your needs and desires to be successful. It is not important how high you have climbed; how many others one has helped accomplish their goals is important. It is impossible to achieve success without contributing to the achievement of others.

In conclusion, it is impossible to provide a single, all-encompassing definition of the concept of success. Individuals who strives to achieve it will have their unique definition of what it means to be successful. Everyone aspires to accomplish their set goals. Many people find that the path to achieving is arduous and meandering, yet this path does not have a definitive endpoint. Setting new objectives consistently is essential to continue one’s previous level of achievement. Accomplishing a person’s objectives is the only way to reach and sustain true accomplishment.

Work Cited

Adams, P. (2022). The Hub: A Place for Reading and Writing. Bedford/St. Martin’s

Mensah, R. A. (2021). Securing Tomorrow Today: A Path Towards Quality Education. Blue Rose Publishers.

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