Introduction: Joy as the Desired State of Mind
Being happy and content is what most people desire unconsciously. Although experiencing joy is a deeply personal emotion that is unique for every individual, there are certain similarities in the way in which different people perceive the phenomenon and define it. For instance, the subject matter is typically considered positive and thus, is seen as the condition which one should strive to achieve. However, when exploring the specified phenomenon closer, one may discover that joy not only makes one feel better but also empowers one to make a difference and promote positive change. Therefore, joy can be regarded as the emotion that one needs to use to improve and progress.
Nature of Joy: What Hides beneath the Cheerful Exterior
To define the phenomenon of joy, one may have to consider its causes and the ways in which it manifests itself. As a rule, one experiences joy when placed in emotionally or physically satisfying conditions (Gregory and Rutledge 69). The identified definition is admittedly loose, yet the concept of joy is far too personal and unique to every individual to be condensed to one narrow explanation. Joy can be expressed with a smile or laughter, yet one may also have a unique and unusual reaction to joy, such as crying (Schuster 98). Therefore, the subject matter is too intricate to be portrayed as a single entity.
Manifestations of Joy: The Many Faces of Emotions
Joy is typically regarded as the ultimate state of bliss that is universally desired and seen as the desirable condition to achieve. However, when it comes to exploring the ways in which joy manifests itself one will notice that the specified emotion has rather short longevity. Nevertheless, the fleeting nature of joy does not serve to its detriment; instead, it empowers one to explore new ways of being creative and expressing oneself through various means, including art, education, and professional growth. Therefore, joy can be seen as the emotion that provides both an opportunity to be happy at a particular moment in time and an impetus for personal growth.
Joy: The Ultimate Definition
Joy has a rather elusive nature, mostly because it has very short longevity and is unique to every person experiencing it. In fact, even the circumstances that prompt joy are too diverse to be embraced. Therefore, joy can be defined as the ultimate feeling of content that not only elevates one’s spirit but also encourages one to make the world a better place. As an emotion, joy has to prompt creativity and prompt personal growth, helping one rediscover such emotions as compassion and the feeling of attachment. While joy can be experienced in solitude, it needs to be shared to experience emotional fulfillment and closure. Joy is the state of mind that has a rather fleeting nature yet can become a powerful impetus for the personal improvement. Therefore, the subject matter is an intricate combination of positive emotions, inspiration, and the need to share one’s happiness with others. While joy can be experienced for the sole purpose of being happy, it can also become a starting point for exploring new opportunities.
Conclusion: Why Joy Is So Difficult to Define
Experiencing joy is linked closely to a range of personal and therefore unique factors. In addition, joy can be expressed in a vast variety of ways, from smiling to crying. The specified characteristics of joy make its definition rather long and convoluted. However, the subject matter can be explained as the feeling of content combined with elevation and often inspiration. Thus, joy may make one share their emotions with others or boost one’s creativity. Although there is nothing wrong with experiencing joy simply to be happy and content, joy can also be seen as the condition suitable for self-exploration and personal development.
Works Cited
Gregory, Erik M. and Pamela B. Rutledge. Exploring Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being: The Science of Happiness and Well-Being. ABC-CLIO, 2016.
Schuster, Aaron. The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis. MIT Press, 2016.