Defining Psychological Terms: Deafness, Hearing Loss, and Deaf Culture


This can be described as a condition whereby an individual suffers from partial or permanent loss of hearing. Some scholars define deafness as a condition that results from hearing impairment due to an infection called otitis media (Friend, 2011). Deafness can also be defined as a condition that entails partial or complete lack of the sense of hearing (Friend, 2011). Additionally, the National Association of the Deaf identifies deafness as an audiological impairment or a condition of failing to hear (Friend, 2011). Therefore, deafness is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to hear.


Deafness is a condition that is caused by numerous factors such as environmental, heredity and severe illnesses.

Hearing loss

This is a sudden or steady decrease of an individual’s ability to hear (Friend, 2011). In addition to this, some scholars define hearing loss as a condition that occurs when some parts of the ear fail to work properly. It is imperative to note that the condition can be mild, acute, temporary or permanent. Hearing loss can also be referred to as deafness. In this case, most scholars often use the two terms interchangeably to mean the same thing.


Hearing loss is a common defect among aged people.

Deaf culture

This refers to values, behaviors, traditions, and social beliefs that are associated with deafness. In another words, this is the sum total of traits, attitudes, intellects and artistic activities that are associated with deafness (Friend, 2011). Needless to say, this term can also be used to delineate the collective social aspects or set of learned behavior and perceptions based on common experiences among the deaf people.


Deaf culture is a crucial tool in enhancing a common identity bearing in mind that it boosts esteem of people with hearing impairments.

Unilateral hearing loss

This condition is also referred to as single-sided deafness. Notably, it is a form of impairment whereby one ear is normal whereas the other one is impaired. In most cases, the impaired ear can partially or fully lose hearing ability. It is imperative to note that the level of impairment can vary from mild to sever depending on the cause of the impairment (Friend, 2011). Research has revealed that in most cases, this type of impairment is usually permanent. The condition is mostly present at birth probably due to heredity factors or pre-natal complications.


People who suffer from unilateral hearing loss often have problems in locating sounds and understanding speech especially if they are in a noisy environment.

Congenital hearing loss

This is a form of impairment that is associated with loss of hearing and it is present at birth. In additional to this, congenital hearing loss can also be defined as a type of deafness that affects the inner parts of the ear, a factor that causes congenital sensor neural impairment (Friend, 2011). Research has revealed that the condition arises due to myriad of factors during pregnancy period. For instance, infection of diseases such as spinal meningitis and rubella inhibits the development of inner organs of the year. Heredity complications can also cause serious defects including abnormalities in the ear.


Congenital hearing loss can be treated especially when it is diagnosed while the child is still young preferably between the age of four to six months.


Friend, M. (2011). Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 17). Defining Psychological Terms: Deafness, Hearing Loss, and Deaf Culture.

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