Degree of Integration of Goals

The term “degree of integration of goals” refers to the extent to which individual employees’ goals coincide with the team’s purposes and the organization as a whole. In that case, it can be said that production is in a state of efficiency since different subjects pursue the same or related goals. To get more accurate performance data, it is possible to use Likert variables, including causal, intervening, and result from ones.

To achieve maximum efficiency in the organization’s work, it is necessary to establish such corporate relations in which all participants in the labor activity are motivated for the result. A high degree of interaction between the goals of individuals, collectives, and the whole organization allows attaining this goal. The analysis of all three Likert variables enables one to provide a complete picture of what is happening inside a particular company, which allows one to make timely management adjustments to the work process (Vonglao, 2017). The fundamental indicator, the change of which affects the degree of integration in the corporation, is a causal variable, which includes business development strategies, organizational policies, and corporate culture, the structure of the organization itself (Willits et al., 2016). Despite the presence of many interrelated indexes, all other variables demonstrate only a consequence of the decisions made among the management.

Accordingly, the degree of integration of goals indicates the level of involvement of various organization subjects in the labor process. To analyze the degree of integration of the purposes of the participants in the labor process and the efficiency of production, it is necessary to consider all three indicators proposed by Likert. However, to make changes in the company’s performance and the degree of integration of employees, team, and management, it is necessary to make changes in development strategies, corporate culture – causal variables.


Vonglao, P. (2017). Application of fuzzy logic to improve the Likert scale to measure latent variables. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 38(3), 337−344.

Willits, F. K., Theodori, G. L., & Luloff, A. E. (2016). Another look at Likert scales. Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 31(3), 126−139.

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