Diet Patterns: Healthy Nutrition

This summary examines my diet patterns concerning the recommended values as well as considers adjustments to achieve a healthier diet. An imbalanced diet was identified as the major cause of death and the third-leading factor of disability-adjusted life-year loss in the United States (Mokdad et al. 1444). It is critical to consume the proper nutrients daily to maintain a balanced diet. Numerous foods and thousands of diet programs contain nutrients. The human diet is a set of various dietary behaviors that influence a wide range of physiological processes and general health conditions (Osadnik et al.). My diet did not meet some of the optimal intake values; thus, I strive to better manage nutrients like vitamin A, calcium, iron, and sodium and increase overall calorie density.

Micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals are vital. Micronutrients are necessary aspects that humans and other organisms demand in ranging amounts throughout their lives to coordinate a variety of physiological capabilities for maintaining health (Godswill et al. 27). Minerals and vitamins cannot be synthesized within life forms, either entirely or in insufficient quantities, and must therefore be acquired through diet. Regarding my diet, in particular, I am deficient in vitamin A, calcium, and iron. The recommended value of vitamin A is 5,000 IU; however, my intake did not exceed 2169.10. My calcium intake equals 936.5 mg, while the recommended value is 1,000 mg. Lastly, I am deficient in iron with a 14.0 mg intake, compared to the 15 – 18 mg norm. Throughout my diet, I met a vitamin C intake requirement. My intake is 66.8 mg, and the recommended value starts from 60 mg intake. My diet exceeded the suggested optimal sodium intake, indicating 2,438.2 mg, which is above the maximum of 2,400 mg.

Meeting calorie requirements is an essential component of well-balanced nutrition. The human body’s caloric intake requirements are primarily met by three dietary macronutrients: carbohydrates, fat, and protein (Shan et al. 1178). My total carbohydrate quantity is 142.9, which falls within the recommended range. Protein, total fat, and saturated fat intake all met the recommended levels. Cholesterol and dietary fiber consumption are also adequately covered at 221.4 and 25.8, respectively. My diet’s average daily calorie count is 1768, which is less than the daily requirement of 2,000 up to 2,200 calories.

Given that some of the optimal requirements for micro and macro nutrients were not met by the current diet, I intend to optimize the intake of each component. Namely, to increase the intake of vitamin A, I plan on implementing liver and supplements into my daily consumption. I will apply a similar strategy to boost calcium and iron ingestion. Due to an excessive amount of sodium incorporated into my diet, I intend to adjust my intake by reducing the consumption of smoked, cured, and salted meat. I should also consider including more calorie-dense foods in the ratio to meet the suggested values.

It stands out of utmost importance for humans to identify the significance of a healthy diet and keep track of the nutrient balance. It is a vast and vital responsibility to keep ourselves healthy, fit, and refined by eating nutritious foods. Recognizing the significance, I am willing to take action to enhance my consumption habits to facilitate nutrient intake.

Nutrient Value Recommended Value
Calories 1768 2,000 min – 2,200 max.
Total Fat 53.9 40 min – 60 max.
Saturated Fat 19.9 15 min – 25 max.
Total Carbohydrate 142.9 250 min – 300 max.
Cholesterol 221.4 200 min – 300 max.
Sodium 2438.2 2,000 min – 2,400 max.
Dietary Fiber 25.8 25 min – 38 max.
Vitamin A 2169.10 5,000 IU – 5,000 IU
Vitamin C 66.8 60 mg – 60 mg
Calcium 936.5 1,000 mg – 1,000 mg
Iron 14.0 15 mg – 18 mg
Protein 61.7 g 50 g – 175 g

Works Cited

Godswill, Awuchi Godswill, et al. “Health Benefits of Micronutrients (Vitamins and Minerals) and Their Associated Deficiency Diseases: A Systematic Review.” International Journal of Food Sciences, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 1–32. Crossref.

Mokdad, Ali H., et al. “The State of US Health, 1990–2016.” JAMA, vol. 319, no. 14, 2018, p. 1444. Crossref.

Osadnik, Kamila, et al. “Metabolically Healthy Obese and Metabolic Syndrome of the Lean: The Importance of Diet Quality. Analysis of MAGNETIC Cohort.” Nutrition Journal, vol. 19, no. 1, 2020. Crossref.

Shan, Zhilei, et al. “Trends in Dietary Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat Intake and Diet Quality Among US Adults, 1999–2016.” JAMA, vol. 322, no. 12, 2019, p. 1178. Crossref.

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