Different Functions of Music: Art and Social Movements

Culture plays an important role in the conditions of the modern era because it defines society’s beliefs, values, and behaviors. Modern national cultures present a result of a continuous process in which different groups of people are united in one nation through shared beliefs and practices. Music presents an essential element of culture that can be used for various purposes. This essay will explore music’s functions in different countries to define its important role in society.

Firstly, considering music’s role in European countries’ culture, it is important to pay attention to the unique function of music in France. In the beginning, music in France had an aesthetic function and focused on awakening certain feelings in the listeners from the bourgeois classes. However, the French cultural realm experienced significant aesthetic changes after the overthrow of the bourgeois class during the French Revolution. While music cannot be revolutionary, its aesthetics can be politicized depending on the tastes of the audience for which this music is intended (Mathieu 361). Therefore, as street singing and more optimistic sounds became more frequent, the music gained wider popularity among ordinary people. Since then, music in France has taken on a political character and now functions to bring people together and provide social commentary on important events.

Next, the U.S. represents one of the few countries where modern music still has a connection with religion. The sacred music was brought by the European settlers and played an important role in defining the culture of different regions of the country. Then, music was used to worship God and unite people from different religious groups who arrived in America to avoid persecution in Europe. After emancipation, African Americans also began establishing their own traditions of religious singing, which was uniquely influenced by popular music and can be characterized by rhythmic sound. Nowadays, religious music in America continues developing and filling its function in uniting people and connecting them with divine blessings.

Furthermore, modern Nordic folk music, common in Scandinavian countries, performs the unique function of preserving cultural history. In addition to performing the function of artistic expression, Nordic folk music uses traditional musical instruments, which give it a unique sound of a “distant land in a distant time” (Jean). Preservation of cultural history also occurs through coverage of such traditional themes in the music as nature, the change of seasons, and fantasy stories.

Therefore, comparing and contrasting the characteristic sounds of music in the culture of different countries can provide significant information about the function of music in different cultural societies. For example, French music has a political function; therefore, its sound is more positive and grandiose than American or Nordic folk music. Furthermore, American religious music is more energetic and rhythmic in sound than French music, which reflects the ambitious American culture and the nation’s diversity. Lastly, the more traditional sounds of Nordic folk music compared to modern French and American music illustrate how deeply Scandinavian countries value their long history.

In conclusion, comparing and contrasting the sound of music from different countries allowed defining the functions that music fulfills in these countries. The essay defined that music can perform different functions, from preserving history to providing political commentary. However, the essay also determined that, in most cases, the role of music in a culture focused on bringing different people together to achieve a specific goal or to create more positive interactions between people.

Works Cited

Jean, Janae. “The Musical Bridge: Scandinavian Folk Music.” Perennial music and arts, Web.

Mathieu, Lilian. “Art and Social Movements.” The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, edited by David A. Snow, Sarah A. Soule, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Holly J. McCammon, Wildey-Blackwell, 2018, pp. 354-368.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Different Functions of Music: Art and Social Movements." January 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/different-functions-of-music-art-and-social-movements/.


StudyCorgi. "Different Functions of Music: Art and Social Movements." January 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/different-functions-of-music-art-and-social-movements/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Different Functions of Music: Art and Social Movements." January 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/different-functions-of-music-art-and-social-movements/.

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