Discussion Data Volume Challenges

Modern unmanned ground-controlled stations (GCSs) are valuable equipment used to remotely control aircraft. One of such systems is the Desert Rotor station, a high-precision GCS that makes it possible to control flights of drones and other unmanned aerial vehicles (“Portable ground control stations,” 2019). The station is equipped with a large display on which the key data about the terrain and the technical resources utilized (information about aircraft indicators) are shown. For ease of use, in addition to the keyboard and control keys, a special joystick for control is installed, which makes wireless control over a drone more convenient. The case of the station is shockproof and compact (28 lbs), which, however, does not affect its technical performance negatively. Video is transmitted in high definition without delay due to the powerful Intel processor. The antennas do not protrude, and a comfortable handle makes carrying the station hassle-free. For the convenience of an operator, the image can be expanded to fill the entire 10.1-inch display, and the user interface can be customized individually depending on the declared display parameters.

Despite its advanced software, the Desert Rotor station has some shortcomings that are common to most compact GCSs. De Simone, Rivera, and Guida (2018) point out a limited angle of view, which can lead to the loss of control over an unmanned drone. In addition, the wireless connection is not via the latest Bluetooth and Wi-Fi versions, which makes the signal unstable. To improve the functioning of the Desert Rotor station in its designated environment, optimizing a viewing angle may be applied. This can be realized through the transformation of the classic version of triangulation, which, as Kamel, Yu, and Zhang (2020) argue, is an effective solution. Updating wireless components may improve the signal going to a drone, and the periodic update of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi versions is a valuable addition to the GCS.


De Simone, M. C., Rivera, Z. B., & Guida, D. (2018). Obstacle avoidance system for unmanned ground vehicles by using ultrasonic sensors. Machines, 6(2), 18. web.

Kamel, M. A., Yu, X., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Formation control and coordination of multiple unmanned ground vehicles in normal and faulty situations: A review. Annual Reviews in Control, 49, 128-144. Web.

Portable ground control stations (GCS) for UAVs, Drones and UGVs. (2019). Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Discussion Data Volume Challenges." January 24, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-data-volume-challenges/.

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