Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project

Introducing investment opportunities into the project is another vital issue that needs to be considered closer. Specifically, given the nature of the project, which will be primarily educational, the project can be deemed as a non-profit one. Therefore, customers will be admitted without charge. The specified solution implies that the project will require additional investments to be sustained since it will not benefit from the revenue from customers’ visits (Bidanda et al., 2019). Consequently, searching for outside sources of funds, particularly, multiple investors, is recommended.

To prove fairness and professionalism to clients, the focus on maintaining key organizational standards and adhering to the set principles of organizational behaviors and ethics will be needed. In addition, resolving conflicts by using an objective approach based on the search for a compromise will be required to ensure that customers perceive the organization as professional and trust in its experts (Bidanda et al., 2019). Finally, the company will need to have a clear and transparent corporate policy supported by strong ethical standards to ensure transparency and fairness.

Calculating the costs of the project in question, the concept of man-hours should be utilized as the most accurate tool in determining the expenses. Specifically, since the organization will consist of 4-5 experts, with 8 working hours per day and 20 days of involvement in the project, the total number of man-hours will amount to Formula or 
 man-hours (Bidanda et al., 2019). Furthermore, the differences in their level of expertise and, therefore, differences in the amount of compensation that they will receive for their work should be taken into account. Thus, when performing further calculations, the discrepancies in the hourly wages will have to be included into the estimations. Currently, it is expected that the average payment per employee will equal roughly to 


Bidanda, B., Sabuncuoglu, I., & Kara, B. Y. (Eds.). (2019). Industrial engineering: Management, tools, and applications. CRC Press.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project." March 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-investment-opportunities-in-project/.


StudyCorgi. "Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project." March 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-investment-opportunities-in-project/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Discussion of Investment Opportunities in Project." March 21, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-of-investment-opportunities-in-project/.

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