New Evian Water Product and Customers Analysis

Evian drinking water is a sort of bottled water produced by the French company Evian Inc. As mentioned by the producer, water is collected from the French Alps consisting of naturally occurring electrolytes and enhanced with zinc and magnesium. Water costs $12.53 for six one-liter plastic or glass bottle. As highlighted by Neo (2021), recently, the product experienced major changes in Asian and European markets. Moreover, it is planned to launch the first label-free, fully recyclable bottle from Evian company. According to Neo (2021), the COVID-19 pandemic introduced new options and variations of premium mineral water, allowing it to enter the Asian market. Unique design and innovation opportunities were also critical factors in the water label’s promotion.

Considering the client base of the product, the tendency associated with the social and financial status of the customers could be observed. The existing customer of the company is people with a high level of income. As the product is a more ecological option, customers concerned about the environment could also represent the client base of the product. On the other hand, an interested customer who shops in this category but selects another product is another population group. An interested customer could avoid the product for two main reasons: the product’s price is high, or the customer prefers another brand (Neo, 2021). This concern depends on the social and economic situation in the region’s market. For example, people from developing countries are more likely to select a cheaper alternative for this type of water. The potential customer market could cover the part of the population who supports ecological movement and recyclable product ideas. This term, glass bottles and recyclable, less toxic plastic types could be a good promoting option.


Neo, P. (2021). Mineral Water Evolution: Evian on meeting changing consumer demands and hitting sustainability milestones in Asia. Web.

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