Discussion: Taking Responsibility for the Enemy

Taking responsibility for an enemy is a major phrase that has been mentioned regularly in the secondary source computed by Linahan Jane. The book is entitled “Sermon on the mount and the creation of peace.” Contextually, individuals can use the phrase mentioned above to imply that an individual can regard an enemy as a friend. As mentioned in Mathew, there should be no differences between an enemy and a friend for a true Christian.

Individuals should love their enemies by doing well to them and not repaying for bad deeds. However, the love should not be emotional to extend selfless care among individuals. Similarly, people can compare the phrase to the love of God to his people. People tend to commit sins in their daily lives, but God does not abandon them, implying that God gives his love to the people always regardless of their sins. Through the wisdom that individuals receive from God, they can love their enemies even if they offend them.

Besides, individuals can use the phrase to imply accountability as presented conceptually in Sermon on the Mount. From the Sermon, people have to be concerned and acknowledge the basic rights of humans and the needs of their enemies. The phrase implies that no matter whether dishonest, wicked, or ungrateful individuals, individuals should love them as per God’s wisdom. For instance, the holy book states that happy people are merciful, for the Lord will show them mercy.

An example is the story of the Good Samaritan in which a man from Samaria showed the Gentile who had been attacked by robbers mercy. Finally, the phrase “Taking responsibility for the enemy” can generally imply an individual doing good to others. People should make peace among individuals because doing good does not cost an individual’s life.

Conclusively, the Franciscan values discussed are comparatively linked to the idea of taking the enemy’s responsibility. According to Francis’s context, he mainly aimed at seeking peace between Christianity and Islam religion. In this situation, the Muslims were seen as enemies since Francis believed that Christianity was the way of peace used by Jesus Himself. The key value addressed is peacemaking presented by Francis, which was focused during the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus said that happy are those who are peacemakers for they shall be called God’s children.

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