How Biblical Worldview Helps in Everyday Life

Defining Worldview

At its core, a worldview can be defined as a set of beliefs, philosophy, and comprehensive conception of the world that is held by each individual. Gray (2011) identifies it as a collection of attitudes, values, and expectations which go on to inform thoughts and actions. Each person’s worldview is unique and complex, based on their own experiences, upbringing, influences, and values they have set for themselves. However, oftentimes worldview is shaped by major institutions in a person’s life, such as family, religion, education, and culture, so people sharing similar connections and backgrounds of said institutions are likely to have some matching elements of their worldview. Brandt & Crawford (2020) find that people are motivated to protect their worldviews, with the traditional hypothesis indicating that prejudice towards dissimilar perspectives is often present but varies in intensity based on either conservative or progressive beliefs of the individual.

The Biblical Worldview’s Answers for Eternal Questions

The Question of Origin

The Biblical worldview states that God created the world and all its living creatures in six days. The view known as Creationism emphasizes that God created Heaven and Earth out of nothing by an act of free will. The process of Creation is described in the first chapters of the Bible in Genesis 1 through 2:25. In these verses, God creates man out of dust on the ground and then a woman out of Adam’s rib, thus were the first humans, Adam and Eve who went on to populate the Earth.

The Question of Identity

Humans are not necessarily more important than other living creatures but different from all other known created beings. Humans, unlike other creatures, have a soul and spirit, spirituality as well as a conscience. The main biblical view is that to be human is to be created in the image of God, a reflection of his divinity. John 1:12 indicates that those that accept God have the honor of being called His children.

The Question of Purpose

To be human also means having a purpose, which is to live a fulfilling life under God’s commandments, have a relationship with God, and glorify Him. Humans should live a life based on Christian principles and strive to contribute positively to the world in the ways that their talents allow them. However, humans were also placed on Earth to look after the world that God has created, becoming caretakers and stewards as directed in Genesis 1:28. Finally, while on Earth, it is the purpose of humans to live a life close to God and the Church so that one can be reunited with God in Heaven after death.

The Question of Morality

Biblical/Christian ethics greatly emphasize morality in the context of devotion to God. The basis of this morality is that each person is made in the image of God, but humans are under the influence of Original sin. Therefore, while free will is given, humans are expected to act morally to keep one’s souls clean. Each human has a sense of right and wrong based on the conscience placed by God. However, the Bible contains general guidelines on the standards of right and wrong, ranging from the 10 Commandments to the teachings of Jesus, which are taught both in church and usually through cultural upbringing.

The Question of Destiny

The biblical worldview suggests that when a person dies, their soul, the breath of life that God once gave to men, leaves the physical body. The body returns to the ground, while the spirit returns to God, as stated in Ecclesiastes 12:7. As to what happens next, there are disagreements among Biblical theologians. Some argue that souls are judged and sent to either Heaven, hell, or in some denominations, purgatory. Others suggest that the souls are ‘sleeping’ until the Final Judgment, at which point they will be reunited with their bodies for eternity (Segal, 2010).

How a biblical worldview influences the way you treat a person who doesn’t hold your beliefs

The Biblical worldview suggests that even when individuals have different and disagreeing worldviews, one must treat them with dignity, respect, and Christian love. The approach emphasizes compassion, kindness, and understanding. As stated in Ephesians 4:32, forgiveness is key, so if someone shares a different view, one must not be offended but practice patience and humanity toward their views. One can present an opinion and attempt to teach the biblical worldview to the individual, but one should not attempt to force or judge them if they do not accept it.

How a biblical worldview influences the way you decide what to do when asked to do something unethical at work

When faced with an unethical situation, the Biblical worldview emphasizes to carefully weighing the decision and choosing an action that would be ethical and adhere to Christian principles. If the task being asked is obviously unethical (i.e., to steal), one should reject it and report it to whatever authority is responsible for preventing it. Therefore, it is not enough to just avoid unethical action; one should strive to make things right and prevent it from happening to anyone else. Righteousness and morality are critical to the biblical worldview.


Brandt, M. J., & Crawford, J. T. (2020). Worldview conflict and prejudice. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 61, 1–66. Web.

Gray A. J. (2011). Worldviews. International Psychiatry: Bulletin of the Board of International Affairs of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, 8(3), 58–60. Web.

New International Version. (2011). NIV Bible Online. Web.

Segal, A. (2010). Life after death: A history of the afterlife in Western religion. Crown Publishing Group.

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