Diversity in Social Work: Spirituality Concept

Spirituality is a core concept of Christianity and is enshrined in our core belief as Christians. The bible teaches us to be accepting of others no matter their beliefs. Today, social work is enshrined in the belief of Christianity, where we are taught to help people who are in need. However, religion and moral convictions do not always agree. Hence the need to be accommodating of others peoples view on religion. In the reviewed article, Jon Black is brought up in a Christian family growing to be a very conservative Christian. In the article, it is observed how he searched for a career that would best suit his belief in serving God. It is in this pursuit where Jon finds social work as the best career path. While in college, he realized he was gay, a realization that challenged his worldview. During his social work classes, he came to understand that some believe homosexuality and Christianity are mutually exclusive.

Based on analyzed texts, social work and religion, especially in areas of diversity, are mutually exclusive. Thus, when working with people with contravening religious beliefs, one should be open to others views and accept them. To achieve such acceptance, one has to be humble to others. Humility allows us to accept that we have something new to learn, especially when our religious beliefs contradict (Canda et al., 2019). Whatever our beliefs may be, we must leave room for new possibilities. Only in such instances can we serve and work better with other people regardless of their beliefs or moral values.

Embracing dialogue can create an avenue to reflect on social identities in areas where there are contradicting views. Through an open dialogue, we can understand others opinions on certain aspects and how they relate to our own. In a workplace, an open dialogue creates a conducive atmosphere where workers can understand each other. Also, an open dialogue between a social worker and a client can help them come to terms with their beliefs. Dialogue is essential for social workers working with children who are distraught with their Christianity beliefs and their sexuality. In the reviewed article, Jon came to terms with his sexual orientation and Christianity beliefs through open conversations in social work classes. Embracing dialogue does not only help clients but also helps co-workers understand each other’s beliefs.

Finding a balance between religious beliefs is vital in serving clients and working with others. People find it hard to change their moral standing, which can create hurdles among co-workers and clients. In social work, finding balance is significant as one can accept the diversity and differences in our own beliefs (Beckett et al., 2017). Although Christianity influences social work, not all social workers have the same belief as those in the bible but desire to do well to others. Thus, in creating a balance between our religious beliefs and others, we can create a harmonious work environment.

Contradicting views on certain aspects of life can create a very challenging environment. In some instances, some people find it very hard to accept others’ beliefs and morals, resulting in a toxic work environment. If one cannot find it in their moral belief to accept others, respecting their beliefs can help in creating a conducive working environment. By respecting others beliefs, we develop a sense of professionalism.


Beckett, C., Maynard, A., & Jordan, P. (2017). Values and ethics in social work. Sage.

Canda, E. R., Furman, L. D., & Canda, H. J. (2019). Spiritual diversity in social work practice: The heart of helping. Oxford University Press, USA.

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StudyCorgi. "Diversity in Social Work: Spirituality Concept." February 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-in-social-work-spirituality-concept/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Diversity in Social Work: Spirituality Concept." February 13, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diversity-in-social-work-spirituality-concept/.

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