DJ controllers and software such as Serato DJ are tools that assist modern musicians in creating and mixing their compositions. Yet, before different DJ equipment appeared on the market, people used devices that were in many ways similar to them. It is possible to say that the main precursors of contemporary DJ controllers were turntables and CD players.

Turntables became extremely popular in the 1950s and since then have also undergone considerable evolution. Turntables constitute rotating platforms that in the past were used together with phonographs (“Turntables & DJ controller,” 2020). The modern DJ controllers feature similar built-n rotating platforms but do not require any additional equipment. Another precursor of DJ controllers is the CD player, which introduced the ability to play digital files on a mobile device. When using DJ controllers and especially software such as Serato DJ, people always utilize digital formats such as mp3. The use of such formats became possible due to the emergence of CD players.

DJ controllers play an important role in my life because they provide me with a chance to create my own music. DJ controllers grant me artistic freedom because I can use them to generate new music by mixing several different tracks. I also utilize Serato DJ, a special software that emulates DJ controllers and lets me work on my laptop. My DJ controller is a piece of equipment enabling me to engage in creative activity and experiment with sound.
DJ controllers made a considerable impact on popular culture, especially in the realm of music. Every DJ uses DJ controllers and software to play their sets and perform in front of thousands of people. DJs mix their tracks using controllers and can record and save them as digital files with the help of software. Hip-hop beatmakers also employ DJ controllers in their word to mix various pieces of music together to produce a new composition.
Thus, DJ controllers and software such as Serato DJ constitute viable musical equipment that helps people to create art. DJ controllers stem from turntables and CD players, devices stilled used by many people. For me, DJ controllers are a tool that enables me to explore new ways of making music. Musicians worldwide utilize DJ controllers in their work and manage to create commercially successful products.
Haupt, J. (2017). Vintage KLH Model Thirty FM radio with Garrard Turntable, to be paired with KLH Model 17 speakers, circa 1972 [Photograph]. Flickr.
Reusink, J. (2017). Pioneer DDJ-SX solidworks render [Photograph]. Flickr.
Turntables & DJ controller. (2020). Marbella Event Academy.