Domestic Violence against Women: Problem Solutions


According to Chinn (2009), violence refers to an act of aggression against a party that is considered weak. Domestic violence can either by physical in nature or a mental torture. Recent surveys have confirmed that domestic violence is on the rise and that women are the major victims. Domestic violence knows no boundary and it affects people across the races, religion, ages, and any other demographical classification. Even the most learned and some of the wealthiest families in the United States and Europe have are not spared when it comes to domestic violence. The researcher seeks to identify factors that promote this violence and remedies that can be used.


Domestic violence in our modern society is on the rise and statistics show that women are the biggest casualties. According to Alhabib, Ula, and Jones (2010), physical violence is one of the most common types of domestic violence. Given the fact that men are often physically stronger than women, they take advantage of this physical strength to abuse their spouses physically. This form of violence varies in frequency and magnitude. There are families where domestic violence is very common. It happens all the times to the extent that it appears to be something normal. In such cases, any argument or disagreement would end up in a physical fight. In other cases, it may be a once in a while incident that happens when the couples are unable to exercise self-restraint when they disagree. The intensity of the abuse may range from minor slaps to brutal fights using various harmful objects. According to Johnson (2014), the United States alone has been recording several deaths that are directly caused by domestic violence. Such abuse can become lethal when the other partner decides to retaliate in what many would refer to as self defence. According to Johnson (2008), the best way of defending self in such cases is to flee or call for help other than fighting back. This scholar notes that when a partner fights back, he or she is sending a wrong signal that she can sustain it, a move that creates a platform for competition. What would have ended in minor slaps, therefore, degenerates into a serious bloody fight that can easily result into death or serious injuries.

Recent studies have confirmed that in most of the cases, acts of physical or emotional aggression are not reported. Both women and men are not willing to report cases of domestic abuse for personal and social reasons. For men, reporting domestic violence is equated to telling the whole world that you are weak (Morrison & Monagle, 2009). Men are expected to be the stronger partner in every family. In cases where their wives turn out to be the stronger partners, they will try to keep silence even when they are suffering. To women, reporting cases of domestic violence is like exposing the weakness of their family to the society. The desire to protect their family image- including the image of their husbands who may appear very loving and caring to the public- make them avoid reporting cases of violence. Some women are scared of such delicate information reaching their children. They believe that when their children become aware of the fights, then they can have serious mental developmental problems.

Domestic violence against women is common in all the social classes in our society. For a long time, it was believed that domestic violence was common among the poor and less educated members of the society. However, studies by scholars such as Alhabib, Ula, and Jones (2010) have shown that violence is common in all classes of families. Level of wealth, education attainments, race, and religious affiliations have done very little in defining rates of domestic violence in our society. It is, therefore, necessary to determine some of the main factors that cause physical and emotional torture in many families. According to Alhabib, Ula, and Jones (2010), the main factor that causes physical and emotional abuse is a broken communication amongst the partners. It is a common knowledge that two people may have different views to different issues and this applies in a family setting. The only way of having amicable solutions to any disagreements in the family is to open up and talk over it. Partners should find time to share issues that affect them. Those who have broken communication resort to other means to solve their disagreements, including use of physical force. Competition among partners is another common cause of domestic violence. A couple should never compete in anything because they are a unit. Success of one partner should be success for the entire family. If this is not the perspective taken by the couple, then issues that should bring joy will always end up bringing sorrows and sufferings.

Domestic violence against women has serious impact on the social development of children. Inasmuch as some partners would want to protect their children from knowing that their parents are fighting, Johnson (2014) says that if such abuses are not stopped, then it may be impossible to hide it from children as they grow up. It is always a mental torture for a child to see parents fighting. Naturally, people will always take sides whenever there is a conflict between two parties. However, children who find themselves in a scenario where they have to witness a fight between the parents suffer a lot. The idea that one loved one is harming another loved one tortures their mind and may affect their development. They grow up knowing that the only way of solving problems in the society is through physical or verbal fights. In many cases, children will end up siding with either of the parents, especially those who appear to be the victims. Such children may develop deeply-rooted hatred against either or both of the parents that may last for a lifetime. Moulding them to become responsible adults who are successful in life becomes almost impossible.


Domestic violence against women is one of the most common social problems that many societies across the world face in the modern society. Using violence can never bring the desired solution in a family. It may succeed in instilling fear and mental suffering in one’s partner, but it cannot earn one’s respect and love. Problems can only be solved through dialogue. Whenever there is a problem, both partners should come together and find a common solution to it. The most important tool in such a dialogue is the ability to listen to partner’s views and be ready to make concessions for the sake of the family.


Alhabib, S., Ula, N., & Jones, R. (2010). Domestic Violence against Women: Systematic Review of Prevalence Studies. J Fam Viol 25(2), 369-382.

Chinn, P. L. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing. Rockville: Aspen Systems Corp.

Johnson, M. P. (2008). A typology of domestic violence: Intimate terrorism, violent resistance, and situational couple violence. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Johnson, R. (2014). Writing today. Toronto: Pearson Canada.

Morrison, E. E., & Monagle, J. F. (2009). Health care ethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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