The Intimate Partner Violence Against Women

The topic selected for the research deals with family issues and is critical for the contemporary society. Domestic violence is reported all over the world that is why it should not be ignored. Only in the USA, ten million victims suffer from it annually (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2015). This population is extremely diverse, and it includes people of different ages, genders, and social status, etc. Nevertheless, women along with children, and older adults tend to suffer the most. Domestic violence can be executed through physical and psychological abuse that develops victim-blaming attitudes (Dillon, Hussain, Loxton, & Rahman, 2013; Gracia, 2014). It is typically addressed by social services because of the influence it makes on the stability of the family and victims’ health condition. Personally, I believe that this issue is to be tightly investigated and discussed because those people who suffer from domestic violence often try to conceal it, as they are afraid of both their abuser’s anger and outcomes for the whole family. As a result, many of them die because of the physical trauma or suicide.

The topic of domestic violence is significant and requires a thorough discussion because of its effects on the family members. Professionals indicate that one in four women tend to have such an unpleasant experience in their lives, which is terrifying and unacceptable (Downs, 2015). Moreover, people refuse to talk about this problem because they tend to believe that everything that happens behind closed doors should stay there. Nevertheless, women should realize that domestic violence should not be ignored as if it is a normal practice for family life.

Personally, I have never been affected by the discussed issue, but I remember a situation when my mother’s friend lived with us for almost a month because she was afraid to come back home. Her husband abused her in several ways, making sure that she was not able to escape without assistance. He controlled her financially, as he was the only person who worked in the family because my mother’s friend had to take care of their infant. He affected her psychologically, making her submissive and scared. Moreover, he beat her several times. The woman kept silent, as she was afraid to lose her child. Fortunately, she managed to receive required assistance and start a new life.

I hope that I will have an opportunity to attract more attention to this topic if I start writing about it. I believe that I will be able to develop a research study on the basis of this information that will provide me with a chance to discuss this problem in detail. In addition to that, I think that this project will allow me to identify various solutions to the problem and make victims of domestic violence acknowledge that more and more services for them occur in throughout the USA, which proves that they can receive assistance and improve their lives instead of suffering further.

I want my readers to understand that the cases of domestic violence are not rare and that their victims need help because they are not able to cope with this issue themselves. In addition to that, I want readers to be aware of the types of domestic violence because many individuals consider that it deals only with physical abuse. After reading my paper, people should become able to recognize associated problems so they can offer their assistance or contact social services. They should motivate others to speak up instead of hiding their problems and living in constant fear. Some readers can also discuss this topic in media or conduct follow-up research to reveal more information about domestic violence.

There are two sources that can be used while discussing the selected topic along with other sources:

Dillon, G., Hussain, R., Loxton, D., & Rahman, S. (2013). Mental and physical health and intimate partner violence against women: A review of the literature. International Journal of Family Medicine, 2013, 313909. Web.

This article proves that the poor condition of women’s health is often caused by their partners. The researchers managed to reveal that the female victims suffer from a range of psychological problems, such as self-harm and depression. They also have physical traumas, including chronic disorders and gynecological issues.

Gracia, E. (2014). Intimate partner violence against women and victim-blaming attitudes among Europeans. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(5), 380-381. Web.

This article reveals that public tends to blame victims for being violated instead of sympathizing them. As a result, many women who are abused by their partners do not reveal this fact and continue suffering. The author claims that victim-blaming attitudes are to be overcome that is why additional investment in public education is required in order to not only support and develop current initiatives but also create new ones.


My research paper is targeted at a diverse population that includes those people who are willing to improve their society. These are the representatives of the general public who want to help individuals facing domestic violence, know such victims, or even represent them. I will explain them the significance of the problem and give knowledge needed to deal with it. My paper will start with the definition of the issue and include not only existing but also new solutions.

I will discuss domestic violence, focusing on its influence on maternity. My suggested thesis is: Even though domestic violence tends to affect women’s health adversely, its influence on their attitudes towards family planning, pregnancy, and raising children is even more critical.


Downs, M. (2015). Why domestic violence awareness is important. Web.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. (2015). Domestic violence. Web.

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