Donald Trump Behavior: Admired Hero or Unpresidential Leader?

Nowadays, there are many people worldwide who are eager to discuss the behavior of the current US President, Donald Trump. On the one hand, some people admire the ideas and activities supported by this political figure, defining him as a real hero who is able to earn huge money and give many things away as well. On the other hand, Trump’s speeches, conclusions, and manipulation may frustrate people and make them think about his unpresidential behavior and public mistakes.

In press, much attention is paid to Trump’s Twitter habits, his competence while talking to different people, and his promises that can hardly become a reality, and the evaluation of these characteristics makes it possible for many people to believe that Trump can be called as one of the best unpresidential presidents in the United States.

President Trump’s Twitter is one of the most frequently discussed topics on the political field in the United States. It is the source of his bright ideas on how to improve the country, as well as the source of his rude statements and conclusions that offend millions of people. Trump believes that his strategies and approaches helped him win the election and become the president, and his opponents and critics underline that now he is the president, and this role is more serious for consideration (DeMarche).

His tweets have the power over people and shock its readers in different ways, demonstrating rather different reactions to various events (“Everything President Trump Has Tweeted”). However, not many people really understand why Trump chooses such way of communication with his people. In his turn, Trump is ready to give his clear and provocative answer that he is indebted to social media and has fun while sharing his thoughts (Peyser; Wang).

He makes himself noticeable in the political arena, in social life, and in international relations. He does not impose his opinions on someone. He just has an account with more than 38.5 million followers who are eager to support and admire his “modern day presidential” decisions (Cillizza). Though such behavior is not what people expect to observe from their president, not all citizens disprove his methods and intentions to stay as close to his people as possible. Still, Trump’s tweeting activities are used as one of the main arguments to prove his unpresidential behavior.

Another habit that questions Trump’s professionalism as the president is connected with the way of how he talks to his people and how incompetent he can be in his communication. One of the latest examples was the conversation with the soldier’s widow who was confused and offended by President’s stumbling when he could not remember the name of the soldier (Moore). Instead of recognizing his mistake and failure, the President accused the woman of fabrication of their communication. Such decision caused numerous concerns and doubts about the abilities of the President to stay competent and fair in conversations with his people.

Finally, some people admit that Trump does not actually understand the level of responsibility he got when he became the President of the United States. Trump was called as the president who preferred to “fight fire with fire” (DeMarche). His presidency differs from all his predecessors. He does not want to repeat the examples of other people. He is a modern president with his own visions and attitudes. Sometimes, it is hard to comprehend his intentions. Still, without any doubts, he is one of the brightest unpresidential presidents of the United States.

Works Cited

Cillizza, Chris. “Donald Trump’s Unpresidential presidency keeps hitting new lows.CNN Politics. 2017.

DeMarche, Edmund. “Trump Vows to Stick with Social Media despite Recent Backlash.Fox News Politics. 2017.

Everything President Trump Has Tweeted”. Los Angeles Times. 2017.

Moore, Mark. “Widow Says Trump Couldn’t Remember Fallen Soldier’s Name.New York Post. 2017.

Peyser, Eve. “How Being Unpresidential on Twitter Helps Trump”. Vice. 2017.

Wang, Amy B. “Lawmakers Blast Trump’s Crude, False, and Unpresidential CNN Tweet.The Washington Post. 2017.

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