Dr. Seuss: Bestselling Children’s Books and Educational Impact


Dr. Seuss is one of the most popular authors of children’s books. In his life, he wrote and illustrated 45 books, some of which became classics of children’s literature (Schwartz). Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts, in a family of German ancestry that specialized in the brewery business.

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Geisel’s love for writing and drawing was instilled in him by his parents at an early age. Geisel never had any children of his own but always wanted to entertain children through cartoons and writing. Geisel won several awards for his work in animation. Still, the center notoriety of his career as a writer and contributor to children’s education was the Special Pulitzer Prize he won in 1984 (Schwartz).

The Cat in the Hat book presents a part of the Beginner Books series, which focuses on developing the children’s ability to read by themselves. The book combines several simple words in an entertaining story with a moral lesson, while colorful illustrations promote children’s imagination. Other Dr. Seuss’s works and characters can be explored through the website of Seusville.

Bestseller books written by Dr. Seuss
Bestseller books written by Dr. Seuss.

Some of the author’s bestsellers featured on the website include Bartholomew and the Oobleck, Fox in Socks, Green Eggs and Ham, Hop on Pop, Horton Hears a Who, The Foot Book, The Lorax, and The Tooth Book. The book Bartholomew and the Oobleck tells the story of a king whose boredom resulted in the summoning of a creature from green goo called the Oobleck. Similar to The Cat in the Hat, the book Fox in the Socks focuses on developing children’s ability to read the use of different tongue twisters in a story about funny characters. Green Eggs and Ham is a monologue written from the perspective of a boy named Sam who says he dislikes green eggs and ham until he tries them.

Hop on Pop is a book for the youngest readers that uses simple words suitable for combining with activities such as jumping with a father. Horton Hears a Who is a story for more advanced readers. It tells the story of an elephant named Horton who discovers the existence of small creatures called Whos and their hometown, Whoville. The Foot Book teaches children about opposites by showing how different the left and right feet can be. The Lorax is a story about a creature that protects the forest from Once-ler. The story emphasizes the importance of protecting nature and air from pollution and climate change. Lastly, The Tooth Book introduces children to the different types of teeth found in nature and explains the actions that children should follow to keep their teeth healthy.

Example of activity that incorporates reading, writing, and art
Example of activity that incorporates reading, writing, and art.

Each of the different books can be used in multisensory learning activities, which incorporate reading, writing, and art. The first learning activity can focus on reading the book, drawing, and writing captions for different objects that the cat from The Cat in the Hat held in his hands before falling. In the second learning activity focused on The Foot Book, children are asked to read the book, draw their favorite pair of different feet, and write what makes the feet opposite to each other.


Lastly, The Tooth Book explains that eating some products can make a child’s teeth unhealthy. The children can be asked to read the book, write a list of foods that they consider unhealthy for their teeth, and draw one product from the list.

Work Cited

Schwartz, Shelly. “Biography of Dr. Seuss, Popular Children’s Author.” Thought Co. 2020. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Dr. Seuss: Bestselling Children’s Books and Educational Impact." February 1, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/dr-seuss-bestselling-childrens-books-and-educational-impact/.


StudyCorgi. "Dr. Seuss: Bestselling Children’s Books and Educational Impact." February 1, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/dr-seuss-bestselling-childrens-books-and-educational-impact/.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Dr. Seuss: Bestselling Children’s Books and Educational Impact." February 1, 2025. https://studycorgi.com/dr-seuss-bestselling-childrens-books-and-educational-impact/.

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