The Reading Logs of Some Books


Deciding to get acquainted with Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, I could not even imagine how much pleasure I would get from reading this book. From the first page, I plunged into a fascinating world of adventures that constantly accompanied Alice and her friends. The mysterious Wonderland and its inhabitants surprised Alice and me with their unusual appearance, conversations, and even names. I was delighted with many characters like the Hatter and the Mad Hare. I remember most of all the Cheshire cat, which comes when and where he wants, like real cats. It was exciting to get acquainted with the views of this enigmatic country where one can meet bizarre animals and singing flowers. The story about Alice turned out to be exciting and instructive for me because Lewis Carroll revealed some imperfect character traits, which, in my opinion, are characteristic not only of fairy-tale heroes but also of ordinary modern people.


Loyalty, tolerance, and devotion to friendship are the book’s key points, touching on the idea that, no matter what, one needs to cherish friendship. Charlotte’s Web focuses on the relationships between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider, who cunningly saved her friend from the butcher’s knife through a message woven from a web (Saltman, 2011). Most of all, I was touched by the moment when Charlotte died, and Wilbur, with Templeton’s help, took the cocoon with Charlotte’s children and continued caring for them (Saltman, 2011). Charlotte’s Web is full of miracles, striving for dreams and kindness; it became one of the unforgettable guides to the world of fiction.

The Sword in the Stone is a genuinely kind and magical story still in my heart. Even though the ending of the story is obviously known based on logical reasoning and a plot based on the legend of King Arthur, the book was still interesting to read and, at the same time, analyze. In my opinion, the plot is excellent; the actions develop smoothly and consistently.

The White Mountains is an excellent adventure reading and an easy-to-read text due to its straightforwardness and uncomplicated syllables. The book has a fairly measured, calm, and logical pace of narration. In other words, I read this book “in one breath” in one evening. The world created by the author truly impressed and fascinated me as a reader. However, the idea of controlling the human mind is not new, but Mark Nichol managed to interpret it from a completely different perspective and point of view.


Tuck Everlasting is a fairy tale story filled to the brim with magic. Nevertheless, at the same time, it is a philosophical parable about life and death, that everyone has a choice in how to live this life. As many questions exist in the book, so many opinions exist. We have collected our readers’ impressions from Tuck Everlasting and compiled a list of “difficult” children’s and teen books. After reading the book, it is much easier to answer questions about faith in God, wars, death, totalitarianism, and those who differ from the majority. “This book can be described in one word — fascinating. It is about such stories that children dream of lying on a moonlit lawn on a summer evening. This is a book that gives you goosebumps because everything in it seems too real. Tuck Everlasting is a simple story, and the author does not try to complicate it but gives the reader a chance to reflect on himself. This is magic!”


Saltman, J. (2011). The Wadsworth anthology of children’s literature (6th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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