East-Indian Culture and Subcultures

Individual cultural positions are essential in people’s everyday life since they influence the worldview in general and specific actions and routines in particular. According to research literature, the definition of culture “refers to the set of customs, traditions, and values of a society or community” (Kazi, 2022, p. 6745). In general, I belong to East-Indian culture, characterized by various ethnic groups’ traditions and tribal and folk cultures. Importantly, under the influence of globalization, East-Indian culture has undergone significant diffusion and assimilation with Western cultures. Thus, the subcultures include folk, tribal, popular, and Western cultural affiliations.

As for my cultural position within the East-Indian culture, I adhere to youth subcultures that resemble my worldview. According to Greenberg (2006), subcultures are the subdivisions of a dominant culture, which unify a part of the population. In this regard, different religions, ethnicities, and worldviews in East India represent distinctive subcultures. Due to the impact of globalization, local traditions have become directed toward contemporary popular culture (Kazi, 2022). My subcultural position is characterized by the extensive use of social media, listening to popular Western music, practicing yoga, and celebrating East-Indian folk holidays and traditions. Each of these cultural manifestations denotes my belonging to a particular subgroup based on my similarity with other individuals.

In summation, cultural diversity entails a multitude of worldviews, beliefs, and lifestyles. With the advancement of globalization, regional cultures undergo assimilation and diffusion processes, becoming less distinctive. Nonetheless, it is essential to value the origins and core cultural particularities essential for one’s identity. The East-Indian culture is rich in religious, lingual, traditional, musical, literary, and worldview-based varieties, which makes it a unique phenomenon worth cherishing.


Greenberg, A. (2006). Youth subcultures: Exploring underground America. Longman.

Kazi, M. M. R. (2022). Globalization and folk culture of North-East India: An analytical review. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S1), 6744–6751

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