Education for Truth and Service: Jesus and Martin Luther King

The meaning of service has brought controversy on their actual implication from the time of the Old Testament in the Holy book. Christianity has based a profound belief on how Jesus submitted to slavery, applying this misguided conclusion to exploit the marginalized groups in the community. Fundamentally, the disciples prejudiced the service that Jesus gave to the poor as a military strategy for victory, begging the question, should a superior serve their inferiors? The religious roots declare that the suffering servant provided salvation to the mass through sacrificial services. Jesus was the pivot of the controversial argument on truth and service, later adopted and enacted by revolutionary leaders such as Martin Luther King.

Subsequently, King was charismatic in describing service as a human calling, which was evident in the peace prayer of Saint Francis that elaborated personal change can be achieved through service delivery. Moreover, the poem ‘One Fainting Robin’ expresses unconditional care and compassion to fulfill one’s life purpose. The poem rules that the most efficient tasks involve service in achieving a fundamental objective. Jesus and King are typical of preaching service delivery to their subjects.

Consequently, Jesus and King insisted on service delivery to the poor, aware of their impending deaths; Jesus was sacrificed, and King was assassinated. Through the scriptures of Mathew, Jesus reprimanded his disciples for denying the needy service through suffering. He taught them that a service restricted to the mass was denied to Him. The end game for introducing the concept of service delivery was to build a community full of solidarity and unity. However, adverse service mentality such as abusing marginalized groups, misplacing a sense of superiority, and manipulating opinions present a drawback to community development.

Undoubtedly, from the knowledge perceived from the scriptures and revolutionary events, I have learned that a call to service does not have to be professional or assigned but rather by choice and precision. It implies a strong and symbiotic relationship between life choice and service to benefit the parties involved. My distinctive gift and personal application to others is the concept of equality and truth in service delivery, where there are no superiors or inferiors, creating a fiction of heaven.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, December 24). Education for Truth and Service: Jesus and Martin Luther King.

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