Educational Research Methods and Data Collection

Different research projects are completed by means of various methods and techniques. However, comparing and contrasting those it is possible to find similarities in the methodology if the main idea of the research projects coincides. This paper aims to compare and contrast five research projects conducted in the sphere of education, identify the research methods and the nature of the data collected while those research projects.

Comparing and contrasting the research projects, it is essential to show the peculiar methodology in data collection used by each of the projects and point to the specifics of the data gathered. The authors of an evaluation of a sample of HPI projects in South Central USA and Peru referred to the mixed method, applying both quantitative and qualitative methodology. The Key Evaluation Checklist approach methodology was used for evaluation. Turning to simple interviews and the telephone campaign of interviewing, the researchers found the data, useful for evaluation of the HPI projects. The impact of the project on people was considered as the central idea for evaluation. The researcher referred to different spheres of impact presented in the 15-point checklist. The data referred to in the results section appeared to be more descriptive than it was expected. Causation of the impacts and the range of the impacts affected one person are the main challenges the researchers faced.

Impact of Full-day Prekindergarten Program on Student Academic Performance referred to the outcomes of the program has tried to consider the effect which might be present in case the program was not applied. The nonequivalent control group was used for modifying the quasi-experimental design. Pre-K reading and mathematics assessments are the basis for the measurement where the progress was considered under the program and without it. Descriptive research results are considered.

The evaluation of the Twin-City Institute for Talented Youth project referred to the research of the activities conducted and the results which took place after those activities. Such measurement helps understand the appropriateness of the activities and the efficiency of the completed tasks. Direct observation is used to measure the objectivity of the final report. Aims, sketch, and comments are offered for each of the subjects where the seen changes are discussed after the taken activities. Therefore, the results carry the descriptive nature.

The State of Tennessee’s Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) Project evaluated schools that met particular conditions (teachers were certified according to their grades and a minimum of 57 students requirement was met. The data were collected individually from each of the students and teachers. Observation and interweaving were used as the main research methods to gather information about the ways teachers used and teacher-student interaction. A personal reflection was important for understanding the effects of different teaching measures on students.

Finally, Evaluation of the National Board Certification Candidate Support Program in Iowa) referred to the six questions devoted to certification and used the main questionnaires to evaluate the participants’ feedback. Therefore, the research designs used for evaluation were different, however, when the researchers wanted to understand the personal feelings of those who participated in the projects the interview was used as the main method. Qualitative results were referred to while measuring the effectiveness of the project Interviewing, quasi-experiment, evaluation of activities, questionnaires, observation, and personal communication are the methods used for evaluation different programs discussed in the articles under consideration.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, October 23). Educational Research Methods and Data Collection.

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