Effects of Economy on Sports

Sports social phenomenon

Sports as a very important social phenomenon is represented at all spheres of modern society, it influences all spheres of human activities. Sports influences national relationships, official life, social position, fashion formation, ethical values, and the way of life of all people.

The analysis of sports development in the USA and other countries all over the world shows that the active position of the population towards sports is a result of Mass Media work. The popularization of sports depends on Mass Media, especially TV, and now sports activity is taken as an integral part of culture and life. (“The Value of Sports Economy in the Regions”)

It is considered that sports accumulate the basic values of American society. Thanks to going in for sports and watching sports competitions people learn some values and it is very important not only for a separate person but for the country in general. Only people with high values can build a healthy and economically developed state.

The social regulation movement

World practice is trying to decide the problems which are connected with social regulation. International Sports Movement, which includes Olympic Movement also, is considered to be a social phenomenon and influences the life of people greatly. The movement aims to make sports service for harmonic development of every person.

The instruments of Internet economics apply in the sports market very actively and successfully. New virtual shops on the net are very profitable because of marketing reasons and because of reducing trans-action expenses. It is considered that especially successful way is when sports products are advertised by famous sports stars that transfer their name to business and use it as a commercial brand.

The reforming of the medical provision in sports concerns different activities. One of the most important tasks is the cost problem. As any other sphere sports industry should have the aim to create the conditions which would prompt the medicians to improve professional skills, quality, and effectiveness of medical service. Estimating the economical effectiveness of medical service and its system is possible only because there are such figures as a state of health evaluation, quality of sports and health training, efficiency dynamics of the people who are the bearer of economical information (Howard, 2003).

It is considered that medicine in general, sports medicine, and sports belong to the nonproduction sphere. This economic sphere unites various kinds of activity, in particular: medical service, social welfare, sports, and trade. Under the economical effectiveness, we should understand the positive contribution, which is made by health-improving of the people who go in for sports professionally, their skills improving, and national income increasing.

The correlation of sports medicine and economics today is distinguished in two directions: 1) influence on further economic development; 2) influence of economics on further perfection of forms and methods of health protection.

Sports medicine influences the economics of any country greatly. The character of influence can be both – positive and negative. Sports medicine can make for production increasing and benefits accumulation by the reducing of temporal disability and invalidity of people who go in for sports. As a result, we will be able to see the positive effect: increasing the number of people who go in for professional sports causes increasing in benefits production and reduces the expenses for medical certificates. Speaking about expenses for the medical providers we should notice that they include the expenses for hospital support and first aid. (The Economics of Professional Sports Leagues)

Medicine Economy and Sports Economy

The notion of economical effectiveness is connected with the basic notions of the economics of sports medicine which researches its place in the general system of sports development, connection with economics in general, using benefits, financial and personal resources of medical service, sports medicine influence on country potential. In economical frames of medicine service the analysis of the effectiveness is taking place: regular preventive measures; the liquidation of some disease consequences, kinds of traumatism; perfection of the diagnostic programs; treating programs.

It is very important to notice that the economics of sports medical provision should be rated as a scientific direction that integrates some problems of medical systems and programs. The main aim of the economics of medical providers is to assist the organization of service for people who go in for professional sports. All the financial expenses should be economically based (Howard, 2003).

It is a well-known fact that sports business-machine is highly developed in the USA. It is enough to remember such popular kinds of sports like baseball, American football, golf, and boxing. It is the opposite situation in Europe. There are two models of sports development in Europe – Eastern and Western. The Eastern model (the countries of the former Soviet Union) is state-oriented. The state takes part in every problem concerning sports, such as what kinds of sports to develop, what competitions to take part in, what to change. This model of sports development can be called state and is a part of state propaganda, has an important political function.

The Western model of sports development united the possibilities and interests of state and non-state organizations. In some countries (for example, in Sweden and Norway) sports are regulated by the government relatively and in other countries (Italy and Greece), on the contrary, this function is actively performed by the government. Business structures play a great role there because they are interested in business relationship development in sports.

Commercial viewpoint

It is very important to notice that modern sports, from the point of view of economics, have become a dynamically developing industry, which makes 3 percent of world commercial intercourse and which is the source of new workplaces. Every new big sports project, such as Olympic Games, World football, athletics, basketball, swimming championships, gives the possibility to get a stable income, to improve the infrastructure (sports facility, transport, communications, telecommunications hotels, and other objects); to use sports facilities for popular sports, to create new workplaces, to develop international tourism.

Among the most successful, from the commercial point of view, are the following projects: summer and winter Olympic Games, World football championship, NBA championship, World athletics championship, tennis tournaments, champions football league. (The Economics of Professional Sports Leagues)

So, the influence of the American economy on sports is rather substantial.

It is easy to compare the modern world sports industry turnover with many other branches of production. Today the sports industry occupies 22nd place in the hierarchy of human activities. If to speak about modern sports as about the sphere of business we should remember about the subjects (participants) of the sports industry. Here belong the state organs of executive power, sports federations, clubs (professional and amateur), business representatives (investors, partners, sponsors, and advertisers), sports and marketing agencies, mass media, viewers, and fans (the most important consumers of sports industry) and producers of sports products and attributes.


Howard Dennis R., Crompton John L., Financing Sport, Second Edition (Sport Management Library), Fitness Information Technology; 2 edition (2003).

Berkey-Gerard, Mark “New York’s Sports Economy”. Web.

The Economics of Professional Sports Leagues: The Bottom Line in the Kintetsu Buffaloes Merger Issue is a Lack of Management. Web.

“The Value of Sports Economy in the Regions”, 2003. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Effects of Economy on Sports." September 18, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-economy-on-sports/.

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