Effects of Spiritual and Moral Courage on Life

Effects of Spiritual Courage in Life

Spiritual fortitude strengthens us when we inquire about purpose and meaning. While many people develop inner valor through organized religion, there are more ways to cultivate this feature. Thus, divine bravery entails being open to the most fundamental concerns of why we are here, what life is for, and whether we have a purpose. All these existential issues may seem extremely frightening. They explain why fundamentalists of every faith can seize control of us. As a result, we seek definitive solutions to these problems and find ideologies that may answer some of these questions. However, spiritual bravery helps us acknowledge that we are unlikely to obtain the answers, even though we persist in seeking them. Moreover, this quality is confronting our weakness and the mysteries of life. Finally, inner courage enables us to engage in nonjudgmental dialogue with persons of various religious faiths and spiritual traditions.

Moral Courage

Moral courage entails behaving properly regardless of the cost of embarrassment, mockery, penalty, and social status loss. Fortitude demands us suppress the indifference, complacency, hostility, scepticism, and alarmism that characterize our political systems, socioeconomic partitions, and cultural/religious groups. For parents, this frequently means putting away pleasurable but fleeting pleasures or conveniences to set an excellent pattern for our offspring and be the fathers and mothers we wish to be. Choosing the right path requires paying attention to our conscience, that still, small voice within. Ignoring that voice can result in emotions of inadequacy, remorse, and a deterioration of personal integrity. Moral bravery is making judgments about which actions are conducive to our highest values and which are detrimental. It implores us to take responsibility for our acts and to consider the ramifications of our choices.

Works Cited

Fuentes, Agustin. Why We Believe: Evolution and the Human Way of Being. Yale UP, 2019.

Snyder, T. R. A Future without Walls: Confronting Our Divisions. Fortress P, 2021.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Effects of Spiritual and Moral Courage on Life." March 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-spiritual-and-moral-courage-on-life/.


StudyCorgi. "Effects of Spiritual and Moral Courage on Life." March 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-spiritual-and-moral-courage-on-life/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Effects of Spiritual and Moral Courage on Life." March 27, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/effects-of-spiritual-and-moral-courage-on-life/.

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