Elements of the Human Resource Management Class


The examined article is dedicated to the description of the problems, the HR team might face while implementing training and development practices in the workplace, and the ways of overcoming them. It is stated that, if the learning objectives fail to be implied in reality, the return on investment and value indicators will be negatively affected (McPheat, 2022).


The key obstacles to successful workplace training for employees are overwork, overwhelming learning content, inefficient methods, varying learners’ preferences and learning speed gaps, varying knowledge of digital technologies, and toxic company culture. At the same time, employers might suffer from high expenses on training conduction and geographic limitations.

The occurrence of such issues in the process of workplace training requires instant handling. The suggested solutions involve proper evaluation of workers’ learning capacities, use of personalized learning programs, delivery of short, straightforward information throughout the course, and reliance on modern learning techniques. In general, the training should be accomplished to fit the needs of the employees; thus, it will not be a burden to them, but an engaging learning journey. Along with that, it is recommended for the employers to be more precise while planning the training budget, and resort to the use of online learning practices.


In my opinion, the reviewed article is extremely relevant for the Human Resource Management class. The main reason for this is that this report reflects what challenges the theory of training and development might face while being implemented in reality. I am sure, that it is essential for an aspiring HR manager to be aware of the latest trends in employee training. However, it is also important to be able to use them in practice and address any of the issues that are possible in the process.


McPheat, S. (2022). Common training and development issues in the workplace. Skillshub. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Elements of the Human Resource Management Class." December 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-human-resource-management-class/.


StudyCorgi. "Elements of the Human Resource Management Class." December 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-human-resource-management-class/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Elements of the Human Resource Management Class." December 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-human-resource-management-class/.

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