Elements of the Newspaper Layout


Grids are commonly used in the visual structure of newspapers, and it is important to follow the basic rules to ensure that the reader is aware of the content. The authors of the most popular newspaper editions usually include images to make the papers more interactive.


Moreover, the bullet point method can force readers to check the rest of the text written on the side of the head content. For example, the Italian newspaper with the heading “Corriere Della Sera” has many pictures that attract the reader’s attention. Recent high-quality photos make reading the newspaper more interactive and structured. Interestingly, all photos are in rectangles or squares, as this shape makes the grid more organized. The readers become less destructed by other shapes and can concentrate on the specific text related to the picture.

To ensure that every picture has an explanation, the authors of the Italian journal used an eight-column grid with the lines located vertically for a better flow of the text. For example, the upper part of the Italian newspaper called “Corriere Della Sera” includes advertisements placed in the four-grid scheme and have approximately the same sizing to ensure that the reader clearly understands the message provided in this part of the newspaper. The heading in bold, “Rapiti in Siria 4 reporter italiani,” attracts most of the attention after the advertising part as it includes the biggest picture and some text in highlighted boxes. This grid technique concentrates readers’ attention and allows them to read the rest of the newspaper for more intriguing news.


Therefore, the readers then move to the main text, which takes a significant part of the paper with the heading “Le Missioni Dimenticate” to understand the whole point mentioned in the bullet points.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, January 11). Elements of the Newspaper Layout. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-newspaper-layout/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Elements of the Newspaper Layout." January 11, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-newspaper-layout/.


StudyCorgi. "Elements of the Newspaper Layout." January 11, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-newspaper-layout/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Elements of the Newspaper Layout." January 11, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-the-newspaper-layout/.

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